US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

He did

[quote=ā€œlabane1917, post:4207, topic:19437ā€]

His language in the early going was quite clumsy, before he learned how to speak properly as a politician.


In an open border policy which Clinton and the pinko wingnuts support

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Help me did @Joe_Player say Muslim.s should be vetted @carryharry

Dunno pal.

@Sidney is spot on though.


Joe, your approach here is a prudent one.

After the French bombing s you and me we called racists for what we said trump says the exact same thing

He has already gone back on the Muslim part, altering his website. This fucker is backpedaling at an incredible rate. Soon enough the fence will be a handful of security posts.

ā€œPolitician in election promise row back shockerā€.

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Of course if it was Obama you and the others here would be foaming at the mouth.

He promised ā€œchange you can believe itā€, he obviously failed.

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Exactly thatā€™s the whole point of the college of electors, that the bigger states arenā€™t able to shout down the wishes of the smaller ones.

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Lads, how much is Bernie Sanders worth? Is he really a man of the people?

Should you not be happy that heā€™s backtracked on these issues?

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80% of the landmass that is America would be absolutely wasteland if it wasnā€™t for college of electors system

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Sub 1m Dollars according to his submissions during campaign. Not a lot for a man who earns 200k dollars a year in salary as a senator. He gives lot of public speaking fees to charity.

He isnā€™t broke by any means but not mega rich by any means

As US politicians go heā€™s up there, has voted very consistently with what he goes around saying, and seems to be an alright sort.
Not really a democrat, an independent, and what they call a new deal politician i.e. he is a fan of the more socialist policies of Roosevelt government.
Civil rights campaigner in the old days, wants campaign finance reform, universal healthcare etc.
Heā€™s been against US foreign policy going back to the Contras days and through the two gulf wars.
Also wants the patriot act repealed.
He is also a Jew who believes in the two state solution in the middle east.
He has a bit of a sketchy background on gun control, but heā€™s from Vermont where everyone owns a gun and he has consistently voted for restrictions on automatic weapons etc.

Itā€™s pity he didnā€™t get a go. He was definitely a million years ahead of the other two anyway. Not that he would have been able to do much if he got in.


It would never been a great matchup against trump alright.

Poor old Bernie is 75 though.

A pity the hipsters didnā€™t catch on to him earlier

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Bernie is a scumbag, he has made big money standing by watching successive governments rape the poor. Heā€™s part of the political elite.