US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Gingrich, Giuliani, Christie, Bolton. So much for the new broom.

Its hard to drain that particular swamp.

Sanders being beaten is probably a good thing. Maintains the illusion of that sort of alternative for those that are trying to overthrow the Clinton Democrats, when that illusion would have been shattered had Sanders actually won.

Giuliani at least is just a cunt. In line with the authoritarianism Trump championed. But Gingrich is a cunt who engineered the lobby owned governmental system that Trump is supposed to be dismantling. And itā€™s no exaggeration to say Bolton is a war mongering psychopath. The argument that Hillary was more dangerous collapses if heā€™s in the inner circle.

Newt and Rudy are fantastic additions to a tremendous team for President-elect Trump.



The usual suspects will be along shortly to say this isnā€™t racist, of course.


In the five days following his victory at the polls, the Wall Street Journal reported Trumpā€™s team didnā€™t understand they would have to hire a new West Wing policy staff.

Trump aides ā€œwere ā€¦ as unaware that the entire presidential staff working in the West Wing had to be replaced at the end of Mr. Obamaā€™s term.ā€

His level of ignorance is so profound that President Obama is reportedly planning to spend an unusual amount of time with Trump, more than President Bush spent with him, to try to prepare Trump for the next four years.

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Thatā€™s a disgusting comment, Sidney. You must be fairly rattled if you think anyone here would condone that.

@anon7035031 has already defined what he thinks racism is. That comment doesnā€™t fall within his definition.

Iā€™m only going by his definition, remember.

Glenn Beck making some salient points on CNN here. Iā€™m highly sceptical of his ā€œfaceā€ turn but heā€™s making a hell of a lot more sense than anybody on the US right at the moment. Heā€™s even completely changed the way he talks.

And thatā€™s really fucking scary.

Hard to think its a week ago already since our man pulled it off. It was round about this very minute last week with Pennsylvania flipping that the world finally woke up to what we knew for months - our man was bound for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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No, that indefensible comment falls directly within the accepted definition of racism i.e. belief that your race is superior to another. How the fuck more obvious is it if you compare a person of another race to a subhuman species?

You truly are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Grow a pair and move on.

Oh lolz, heā€™s done for now

(Salon just for you)

Clearly indefensible. What do you want people to say though? Do you want us to hunt down every example of racism so we can condemn it? Are you yourself letting everyone down by not posting them all?

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The guilty parties were fired or forced to quit pretty sharpish. Nothing to see here.


  • sweep sweep *

He was very aggressive and hysterical but I wouldnā€™t call him racist.

Reported for racism by @Sidney

CC @Sidney and @Turenne . Democrats attack an uneducated white male