US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Well doh,thatā€™s been obvious for months,the only thing that would explain his support of Putin.Surprised it hasnā€™t been leaked sooner.

All Franken is roasting this cunt on CNN at the mnute



Id love to know what dirt Trump has on Hannity,id say hes a paedo.


Oh Donaldā€¦

4chan are claiming they invented the golden showers story, but havenā€™t offered any proof yet

Iā€™m gonna piss on you,believe me,I do the best pisses,just call me golden piss.OK.

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trump has stood aside and is getting his lawyer to give the press conference now.

Trumps press conference is a fantastic listen. They played clips of it there on Today FM. If Bertieā€™s teflon then Donald is some sort new space matierial that doesnā€™t even have a name yet

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Pissyboy now accepts the word of his intelligence services that Russia interfered in the election.

Thatā€™s quite the climbdown.

But then he went on the whole ā€œNazi Germanyā€ rant about the media, and by extension, his intelligence services, who presented him with the same information the media are reporting.

Heā€™s dealing with conflicts of interest in the same way the international community deals with Israeli war crimes.

Heā€™s going to ā€œsort outā€ healthcare in an Al Pacino way, not a Julie Andrews one.

And who were that crowd at the side who kept gormlessly cheering and clapping what he was saying during the press conference?

Did he invite @anon7035031, @ProjectX, @Tassotti, @HBV and @ironmoth to it?

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What are the odds on him not making inauguration?

Hereā€™s a clip from trumpā€™s press conference.

That utter cunt Cal Thomas was cheerleading for him on Matt Cooper again today. Cal must be the most thin skinned man in the universe.

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Is he @anon7035031?

I wouldnā€™t doubt it.

Cal Thomas is an uber cunt.


The Watergate is ablaze