US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Unverified. #GoldenShowerGate

It never ceases to amaze me the mental contortions he can make to be on the Republican side no matter what.

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It’s usually along the lines of Well they started it.

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All this hoo haa yesterday with Trump was for one reason and one reason alone, for him to declare himself a Germaphobe in an out of context design. That was the message there, forget the rest as it will all be forgotten about.

I think these demands on Trump to divest all his assets are very unfair. Unlike the other career politician chumps that went before him it’s not a simple matter for him to just wind up a $4bn empire built up over many years.


It was a great half hours TV. Joe is a lovely man


He’s wound up plenty of his bankrupt businesses very quickly in the past.

Just heard some now on the radio. Genuinely decent men on a human level.

I was just channel hopping between Reading v QPR, Sevilla v Real and found it on CNN around 9pm. It was nice.

The repeated mispronounciation of Heaney’s name was the only complaint I’d have.

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Well they are Yanks

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When non-racist :grin: tweets like this emerge, it makes people like me, who have consistently maintained Trump is a racist buffoon, look terribly foolish.

Or something like that, I think.

A bit of a comedown from the quality Donald is used to !!

New musical act announced for trump’s inauguration:

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After his embarrassingly stupid tweet at John Lewis at the weekend, you’d think one of the grown ups would take the phone out of his hands. But there aren’t any grown ups and insulting someone like John Lewis for a lack of action is now seen as a positive.
Seriously, you can just imagine our kids in 20 or 30 years time staring at us with a look of complete horror, saying “Huh?”

Have you not seen the documentary “Idiocracy”, mate?

Things only get worse from here.

@Tassotti becomes president in 2045 and accidentally kills himself demonstrating how to use a gun to a class of primary school children after forgetting the difference between a bulletproof vest and bulletproof coffee.