US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Great. You finally admit that members of ethnic minorities are “ordinary Americans”. It took a while.

Funny how these “ordinary Americans” who are members of ethnic minorities almost never get mentioned by Republicans or pro-trump commentators, except when it’s to think up new ways to deny them voting or to vilify them.

Perhaps you could now tell us how trump is in touch with these “ordinary Americans”.

I saw this passage elsewhere tonight. It’s an absolute beauty from Hannah Arendt’s “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, written in 1951.


Sean Spicer on January 4th:

“If you lose the respect and trust of the press corps, you’ve got nothing.”

“I don’t think any communicator worth their salt can go out and tell a lie.”

“You can spin the way way you want, but I think to go out and tell a lie is something that’s just not acceptable.”

His first five minute press briefing on his first day on the job is all it took for him to do all of that spectacularly.

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I see where pope Francis compared President Poodle to Hitler yesterday

Is that the official stance of the catholic church?

How long before the CIA take out Trump ?

That press conference was pure cringe. My inauguration was bigger than your inauguration. Some of the specious reasoning used to justify the obvious lie, was like something from a TFK argument.

While it’s funny to see all of the snowflakes frothing at the mouth and absolute losers protesting in Dublin about the democratic election of a person in another country it is fairly disconcerting to see how bent out of shape Trump and his people are getting about something as trivial as attendances at his inauguration.


Please link to “many places” and also link it to 60 odd million Americans.

You claimed many of Trump’s supporters were anti Semitic and it is hilarious that they’re now supporting Israel.

You’ll find Trump supporters and the GOP at large have always been more favourable to Israel.

You have no data to back up your claims so are using an isolated example in a nation of 300 million people and enormous geographical spread to duck for cover.

Data, please.

Dinner ,???

More deflection.

I never said anything about the identity of ordinary Americans, you being obsessed with the identity politics the Democrats have to offer has decided to bring that up to protect yourself.

Most ordinary American voters, however, whether conservative or would be Democrat voter, do not live on the Twitter or Facebook talking politics. Journalists being outraged over some frog memes with SS uniforms spawned articles of outrage during the election. Most had NFI what they were on about. This is where you are buying the fallacy that Trump supporters are anti semites.

Given you have admitted to never having been to America, it’s hardly a surprise you would take your lead from those places.

The White House staff are getting accustomed to a President who wakes up early in the morning.


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Where are you going with this 60 million nonsense?

It’s utterly pathetic.

There isn’t a question on census forms “are you anti-semitic?”, to which people answer “yes”, which would appear to be your criteria for determining anti-semitism.

The political parties you support in the US and the Republicans - regularly and mendaciously try and brand people as anti-semitic for opposing Israeli government policy. And yet people like you are totally blind when a Republican candidate then whips up real anti-semitism by embracing the alt-right (far right) and all the anti-semitism and racism that comes with it.

Steve Bannon and Breitbart’s anti-semitism is not in doubt.

You showed your own attitude to real, actual anti-semitism after the election.

This is real anti-semitism, and you’re clearly just fine with it.

Based on a broad set of keywords (and keyword combinations)
designed by ADL to capture anti-Semitic language, there were
2.6 million tweets containing language frequently found in antiSemitic
speech between August 2015 – July 2016.
• These tweets had an estimated 10 billion impressions (reach),
which may contribute to reinforcing and normalizing antiSemitic
language on a massive scale.
• At least 800 journalists received anti-Semitic tweets with an
estimated reach of 45 million impressions. The top 10 most
targeted journalists (all of whom are Jewish) received 83
_percent of these anti-Semitic tweets. _

There is evidence that a considerable number of the anti-Semitic tweets targeting journalists originate with
people identifying themselves as Trump supporters, “conservatives” or extreme right-wing elements. The
words that show up most in the bios of Twitter users sending anti-Semitic tweets to journalists are “Trump,”
“nationalist,” “conservative,” “American” and “white.” This finding does not imply that Mr. Trump supported
these tweets, or that conservatives are more prone to anti-Semitism. It does show that the individuals
directing anti-Semitism toward journalists self-identified as Trump supporters and conservatives.
• While anti-Semitic tweets tended to spike in the wake of election-related news coverage, the language used
in the anti-Semitic tweets was not solely election-related. Many tweets referenced classic anti-Semitic tropes
(Jews control the media, Jews control global finance, Jews perpetrated 9/11, etc.). This suggests that while
the initial provocation for anti-Semitic tweets may have been at least nominally election-related, the Twitter
users generating targeted anti-Semitism may have used news events as an excuse to unleash anti-Semitic
memes, harassment, etc.

While anti-Semitism was primarily directed at journalists who are Jewish (or perceived to be Jewish), nonJewish
journalists also received anti-Semitic tweets following criticism of Mr. Trump – presumably intended
to be either an insult or threat. This is likely connected to the anti-Semitic tropes related to Jews “controlling”
the media, and the media “controlling” the government.

Protestors are the ones protecting democracy.

Trump, the ultimate snowflake, has wasted no time in clamping down on democracy.

Starting with with his attempts to clamp down on a free press.

I have no problem with people protesting in America. People protesting in Ireland is risible.


Did you think that people in Ireland protesting about Apartheid, genocide in East Timor, the Iraq War, Israeli colonial expansion and bombing, or ISIS is “risible”?

Or should these protests only be confined to people in places directly affected by those things?

Is somebody whose opinion they don’t agree with being democratically elected in another country the same as genocide now?


If the Dunnes stores workers hadn’t refused to handle South African goods it’s quite likely that South Africa would still be under apartheid.


You think none of the following is worthy of protest?

Removing all references to LGBT rights, climate change and civil rights history from the White House website.

Ramping up support for the rapacious imperial coloniser, Israel.

Ramping up tensions with China which could easily lead to war, especially given his temperament which is completely unfit for being president.

Effectively going to to war against his own intelligence services.

Appointing a cabinet which is utterly craven to corporate interests.

The already clear attempts to clamp down on free press.

The wholesale adoption of Putin’s tactics of non-linear warfare, including a full embrace of fake news and false propaganda. It’s obvious to any person with the ability to think in any way clearly that Putin’s Russia is the model on which he wants to run the US.

The vilification of all Muslims, Mexicans, the mocking of women, the mocking of disabled people, being deliberately entirely unconvincing in “attempts” to distance himself from the KKK and neo-Nazi groups.

Talk about living in a bubble and and an echo chamber.

Oh, and Netanyahu is democratically elected. Apartheid leaders were “democratically elected”. Assad was “democratically elected”. So is Putin. And guess who else was. A chap with a moustache in the 1930s.

So Trump is Hitler? Keep fighting the good fight, bro.