US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Telling that you have to adopt the phrase and tactics of Sean Spicer.

By your logic, you CANNOT say Hitler’s supporters were anti-semitic because not every single one of them committed anti-semitic acts or publicly voiced anti-semitic views.

Again, it entirely flies over your head that one can be an anti-semite and support Israel.

You can even be an anti-semite and have Jewish people in your family.

When you consistently put a phrase front and centre that carries the distinct whiff of anti-semitic bigotry (you don’t establish that whiff by “data”, Data boy, you establish it by looking at history), don’t be surprised when you get called out for anti-semitism.

Why would you support Israel if you were an anti Semite, out of interest?

that’s lovely mate, let Hitler mark 2 work away with destroying the world cause he was democratically elected

Em, for the rather obvious reason that you hate Muslims even more than you hate Jews?

Probably because they hate Muslims more. A lot of fuckwits on the extreme right seem to have no problem being Nazi sympathisers and supporting Israel. Here’s @Nembo_Kid and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s pals out in Israel giving Nazi salutes whilst flying Israeli flags…

Explore __________ __________

sure would you not just let the muslims and Jews at it then rather than heavily supporting one side?

Isn’t there a soccer team in Israel who have an extreme Zionist support base that do nazi salutes ???

Throw out next week’s lotto numbers there while you are at it, mate.

@mickee321 is your man to ask here.

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Where did I say that?

Hitler ran on an anti Semitic platform.

Trump did not.

You are trying to link things here because you have zero data to back up your claims on the widespread attitudes of Trump voters to Jews.

You are getting bent out of shape in someone asking you for actual hard data to back up your claims.

Nobody would deny there is actual anti Semitism on the fringes of both the right and left, but trying to tar an entire voting bloc as such is ridiculous when there is no data to back that up.

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You don’t measure whether somebody is anti-semitic based on data, pal.

Anti-gay marriage campaigners didn’t run on an explicitly homophobic campaign, because they knew they wouldn’t get away with it. But that doesn’t change the fact that large elements within that campaign used homophobic tactics.

Nigel Farage did not run on an explicitly racist platform. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s a thinly veiled bigot.

The EDL claim not to run on an explicitly racist platform. But we all know that they’re racist.

The BNP did the same. Marine Le Pen does it.

Republicans since the 1960s don’t run on explicitly racist campaigns. But the Southern Strategy was designed to exploit racism by cloaking it in slogans like “states’ rights”. The birther nonsense claimed to not be racist, but was transparently racist.

Trump actually did run on an explicitly anti-Muslim platform, because he rightly bet he could get away with it.

He didn’t run on an explicitly anti-semitic platform, because he knew he wouldn’t get away with doing that. He cloaked his anti-semitism behind slogans, dog whistles, and entirely unconvincing disavowals of support from racist and anti-semitic bigots. Just enough plausible deniability to fool fools.

And convincing enough to fool you.

You don’t measure these things by “data”.

You measure them by what you see and hear and from knowing the lessons of history - which you so clearly don’t know.

You’ve mentioned Farage, the BNP, Trump and Muslims, Republicans and the Southern strategy et cetera, but have not put forward anything on what you are actually claiming.

In your efforts to deflect from your lack of data, you brought up Hitler. Hitler was an explicit anti semite. Where is Trump?

Again, the man’s daughter and son in law are Jews. They have been big advisors to him throughout the campaign and are again (maybe attack him for nepotism, you might actually have a point). Trump took a hardline pro Israel and Netenyahu line before the election. Again, how is this comparable?

You have no data and have pointed to nothing with Trump regarding anti semitism. The entire basis of your argument now seems to be “they don’t have to tweet mean things to be anti semites”. It is an absurd argument. You definitively pointed at a large group of people and labelled them.

You can accuse Trump of a lot of things and you have a whole campaign to pick statements from, but you made a stretch too far with this one. As always though, you refuse to back down even when hopelessly caught out.


I only make Roman salutes.

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The loyalists claim they are RHOU salutes I thought .

A willy up the bum?

Hitlers anti semite views were not based on religion. His anti semitism was based purely upon the wealth the Jews were accumulating in Germany prior to the rise of the Nazi party.

Unfortunately yes.

Three years max. He will die of a heart attack while in the saddle.

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This thread must be what purgatory is, only worse because this has also got @ProjectX

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