US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Clinton News Network are a great source of biased opinion.

the article isnā€™t about trump mate per say. its about the lack of perspective and reporting of what has gone on. and as for putin, angel not but fuck the Russians are surrounded. Christ look whats happened in the Ukraine. ffs. i am not a trump man far from it, I think its the maddest presidential appointment since Ronnie. I know you are not gone on Pilger but at least he shouts (have you read hidden agendas?) ā€¦the China doc will be interesting.

CNN have been and continue to be exceedingly soft on Tiny Hands and his fascism, like most US media outlets.

He should be donating to them.

:grin: Fake news he accused them of broadcasting recently which is surely a precedent for a US President to say about a major network.

Theyā€™ve enough donations coming in Iā€™d say.

On the contrary, I was always a huge fan of Pilger, certainly until recently. The lack of perspective here is entirely his.

There is a lack of perspective in the reporting on Trump in general, it does not take the gravity of the situation into account, and itā€™s entirely to his benefit.

This is a man who supports torture, denies science, tells blatant lies, is attempting to clamp down on a free press, is utterly craven to the 1% while being simultaneously economically illiterate, and has enacted blatant religious and racial discrimination.

This is not a normal situation.

Yeah, shite which is lapped up by gullible simpletons such as yourself. He knows his market, thatā€™s for sure.

Pilger is on the money here, his ignoring of trump is strange though, i suppose heā€™s just seizing the opportunity to highlight some media outlets hypocrisy before hopefully soon attempting to analyse trump. Whoā€™s driving trumps policies though? is he just trying to follow through on every election promise so he canā€™t be accused of not doing so or are the republicans using him to carry out all their wet dreams

He was a safer bet then Hilary geopolitically first and foremost.

She was a terrible candidate, and the democrats have only themselves to blame for the clusterfuck.

But we were told Trump isnā€™t a Republican, werenā€™t we?

Well, scratch that one, I guess.

The Republicans are utterly pathetic and will go along with everything he does, because all any of them really care about is getting elected.

That may prove to be a very unwise bet in the long term and lead to their decimation in 2020 - few senate Republicans are up for re-election in 2018.

Paul Ryan in particular stands to be ruined by this.

Iā€™m not sure trump is republican in the purest sense, I think heā€™s just an easily manipulated fool. The measures like today will ruin trump and ryan only in places where they are already despised, the ā€˜redā€™ areas will be delighted

Ryan has humiliated and prostrated himself since Trump got the Republican nomination.

Disavowing himself from Trump due to racism, and then rowing back and supporting him.

Heā€™s now going along with this fascist immigration ban.


He looks like one of Stalinā€™s show trial defendants.

Pilger is calling as he sees it imo and has as you know a doc on the way re:china which will be interesting. tbf he really has no love for either side nor do I. iā€™m more interested in what chomsky has to say, (he is far wiser) but have not heard anything from him on trump yet. all i know bud is that its worrying times, esp with trumps statement re: Israel. what i do know is that racism and the oppression of the many for the sake of the few has been prevalent for 1000s of years but the Yanks have serious control now, have so since the 40ā€™s and. it has rapidly progressed since then. the arms sales and holdings is frighteningā€¦ i just get on with my life cant influence it one iota

Hmmm Hillary was going to win Texas and flip a lot of other republican states according to seasoned political analysts like yourself not six months ago !


Pilgerā€™s documentary on China is already out, Iā€™ve seen it.

And his blind spot for Trump makes no sense given the content of that documentary and Trumpā€™s bellicosity towards China.

I never said Hillary Clinton was going to win Texas, mate.

But if you think I said that, I guess thatā€™s the important thing.

I never said you said it bud. I just find these types of predictions tiresome and irrelevant. For all we know the US economy could be booming by then and Trump a popular president.

Did trump plagerise a lot of his emigration rhetoric off bill Clinton? itā€™s also interesting to see so many people outraged at trumps policy but they didnā€™t bat an eyelid at the 2.5 million Obama deported.

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What exact policy is that Alf?

Em, yes you did, mate.

Trump will likely retain and perhaps increase his popularity amongst the majority of those who voted for him.

Heā€™s already absolutely destroying himself with those who didnā€™t - and he was only elected due to a statistical freak, getting 2.86 million votes less than his opponent, who was widely branded as ā€œa truly terrible candidateā€

Itā€™s sort of like of a team winning a match on penalties after a 0-0 draw in which their opponent has hit the post 10 times, and thinking theyā€™ll do it again next time.

where did you see it man, link? Iā€™m not against you pal remember that. i miss @anon7035031