US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

there is a statue of that fucker bill clinton in ballybunion, ffs. the cunt could be classed as a drug lord

The majority of people ā€œdeportedā€ under Obama were ones caught crossing the border.

There was a change in the way statistics were calculated which makes it look like he ramped up deportations, but itā€™s not the reality.

It was broadcast on ITV in December. I got it later on a torrent.

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Bill left the white house with his rep in tact, Americaā€™s rep in tact and the economy in tact. Not to mention the peace process. There should be a statue of him in every county in Ireland.

I knew that would happen.

Sidney Iā€™d hate to tell you but your first visit to my fair country will involve anal probing by homeland security, get the lube ready.

:grin: he aided the importing of millions of $$ of crac into the US and ruined 1000s of lives bud. sure what do i know on my sofa here in Ireland

Yes you are.

wording of it here

The banning of dual visa holders seems way too heavy handed and nonsensical, surely they would have been properly vetted anyway?

while muslims arenā€™t explicitly singled out, it states;

In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles. The United States cannot, and should not, admit those who do not support the Constitution, or those who would place violent ideologies over American law. In addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including ā€œhonorā€ killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.

How would these provisions effect answers to the mooted religion test(yes I know Christians and others would have failed them miserably throughout history)? if you adhere strictly to Islam, then it could be argued that you contravene them. How does that sit with a guarantee of freedom of religion?

the main purpose of the order deals with states giving the US access to information on its citizens;
(d)ā€¦the Secretary of State shall request all foreign governments that do not supply such information to start providing such information regarding their nationals within 60 days of notification.
(e) After the 60-day period described in subsection (d) of this section expires, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, shall submit to the President a list of countries recommended for inclusion on a Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs.

This is very open ended and a slippery slope
Iā€™ve read on forums and agree with that it does make sense why some countries, ie Saudi and Pakistan were left off the temporary ban list, not because trump has business interests there, as some infants suggest, but that these governments give the US full access to its citizens information to vet them, arguably a far worse reason.

Or does the US not have a right to vet people properly?

Indeed, open endedā€¦

Lawyers must be going like the clappers right now, not just in the us but every country with us relations. Which is pretty much fucking everyone.

The guyā€™s a sociopath.

I notice the fat fuck in north korea is very quiet.

Beautifully dressed for dinner last night.

Our own mayor Marty Walsh has flipped Trump off.

Iā€™ve no doubt Pilger will have his say on Trump but at the minute he is reminding people of the hypocrisy of the support and admiration the mass murderer Obama got ā€¦ Heā€™s simply saying this mess (a recognition that Trump is a disaster) was caused by the Obamas and Clintons of this world.

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Get some of that ass.

Dry your eyes child. Statistical freak? He won those states clearly. He worked his hole off and had big ass fucking rallies and actually visited states and had a very clear if despicable message. Crying about the popular vote is pathetic. You werenā€™t bleating like this when ukip didnā€™t get their statistical representation in the uk elections.


Winning the electoral college with 2.86 million less votes is a statistical freak, mate, which is why itā€™s never happened before.

Take your own advice, and stop crying over facts.

Iā€™d nearly suffer that if @ProjectX could be the one giving it, just to let him feel what somebodyā€™s hole is like for the first time in his life.

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Iā€™m from America. :neutral_face:


I imagine not crying sid. Iā€™m laughing. At you. The outcome would have been different if the rules were different? And itā€™s not fair because of that? 2 months later?? Brilliant.