US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Some kind of wall would be somewhat appealing to some people so if you think about it!

Yeah, why are they still blubbering on about the Electoral College.

Trump has said he doesn’t agree with it but everyone fights the campaign knowing those are the rules.

HRC didn’t bother with going to Wisconsin, Trump made numerous visits.

Great to see Sidney is back on the “facts” train after ignoring them for a week. :joy:

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How would you know?

CNN do not broadcast their American channel into Ireland.

Yeah they do,at night you get the american broadcast.

There’s one of him Kerry already anyway

They broadcast certain shows, they don’t broadcast the whole channel like Fox News. It is 95% International content.

Nighttime is simply repeats.

Or as our President refers to them, the “Fake News” Network :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Still, left wing extremists swallow what they are selling.

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The fake news network has always been Hannity, orally man etc…

I generally watch CNN via live stream, mate.

So where are your examples?

Or is this like you hilariously trying to invert snowflakes to being Trump supporters?

The best program on CNN is Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain.

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You imagine not crying?

If you stopped crying you wouldn’t have to imagine it, mate.

Do it.

You’ll feel a lot better.

Here’s one, mate. Not hard to find.

I asked for you to show how CNN are being soft on Trump.

Here are some videos and stories from CNN in the last 24 hours.

Anyone who claims CNN have gone soft on Trump is lying or has not watched. Brian Stelter. Anderson Cooper et al have continually called him out.


Now you’re moaning about CNN questioning TrumpBots.

Where’s that commitment to free speech people like you always bleat about?

What do you think of Bonkers Bannon telling the media to “shut up”?

That last post of Tim’s belongs in the seething thread.

Point out the moaning there.


You’ve done lots of moaning about the media supposedly being biased against Trump, it’s pretty clear you object to any sort of fair questioning of him.

Answer the question on Bannon telling the media to shut up.

Do you agree with him?

On the citizenship test one of the questions is ‘have you ever been a drunkard’? I wonder how Melania answered.