US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

That’s one test @anon7035031 wouldn’t be passing, anyway.

Miller also noted on Saturday that Trump administration officials are discussing the possibility of asking foreign visitors to disclose all websites and social media sites they visit, and to share the contacts in their cell phones. If the foreign visitor declines to share such information, he or she could be denied entry.

@ProjectX would be in trouble, all them girly sites he visits.

@Tim_Riggins as well. All that rugby porn.

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That English/Asian Tory MP who was on the news earlier moaning that his kids in Princeton might not be able to get back into the USA if they left, seems to have got a taste of his own medicine.


Funny how these sorts of laws seem to make sense to a lot of people, until they affect them, that is.

It’d nearly make you think they hadn’t at all thought through the implications and consequences of what they advocate and vote for.

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I highly doubt he visits girly sites.

I see now. Noted, I don’t like offending anyone.

Ah here…

Pence will say anything in the moment to keep the sheep happy. A face only a mother could love.

I haven’t been keeping abreast of the immigration story as I’m avoiding the news to maintain my sanity for a few days. Are the people from these 6 countries banned outright or what? Or is there going to be extra scrutiny put on them when entering the country. I spent a bit of time in immigration in the states last year and found it a stressful situation.

Mr. Pence was only annoyed that Tiny Hands made his call for religious discrimination so obvious.

Now that it’s been euphemistically dressed up as something else, it’s fine.

The Republican way.

It shows.

The Obama administration created the list of the 7 high risk countries. The left wing extremist anti democracy protesters didn’t have a problem with the list then :wink:

@Sidney is this true?

Even CNN are confirming. And they may not be enormous supporters of President Trump :flushed:

Learn the difference between identifying “countries of concern” and banning people from those countries, even those who currently have permanent residency in the US.

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A ‘temporary 90 day’ ban on these 7 nations as far as I can tell, inc green card holders. The latter wil be on a judge’s desk faster than that Jamaican sprinter lad.

Ya man, the immigration folks are feds, so therefore lacking personality. Take no offense, some of them would deny their own kin folk.


I see you’re making a play to unseat SmileyBot as the forum’s simpleton in chief.

Not quite there yet, but like Irish Rail, you’re getting there.