US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Why are you getting your knickers in a twist. I just asked was the article stating Obama’s administration came up with the list of countries true! You have a lot of anger in you. Go to bed and try get a good nights sleep. It seems like you need it.

Goodnight Sidney.

Oooft :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Did @anon7035031 resign from the board? Someone bring me up to date on this.

His work here is done.

Yours is as well, fuck off and die.


None of that please,

He’s gone back to using his original @Joe_Player alias

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@Joe_Player was always @Joe_Player you Wexford clown


Aboy Joe

Sow it into him Joe

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People are in utter shock that a politician is actually doing what he said he was going to do before an election.


Wait a minute, he didnt really mean all of that did he?

Trump rolling back a bit on his ban. Green card citizens okay now. Dual nationality citizens ok from certain countries, if not coming from one of the banned countries i.e. UK & Libyan dual nationalities are fine if coming from the UK rather than Libya.
He didn’t really think this one through at all.

Enda still bringing the Shamrock over on Paddys day.

He spent his time savouring Trump’s victory, now as Trump begins his and America’s descent into self-destruction Labane has fucked off like the coward he is.


Not only is he a fascist, he is incompetent to boot.

Why weren’t Turkey and Saudi Arabia on that list?

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Ask Obama, he compiled the list


Cos we do a lot of business with these guys.

Until the west totally boycotts the cesspit that is Saudi Arabia they have no moral authority on any issue .

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And Trump approved and enacted it.

Yeah I know mate. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are the real problems in the Middle East - the former has been financing Wahhabism and it’s military off-shoots for half a century while Turkey has done nothing to stop the stream of radicals into Europe and perpetuates the war in Syria by supporting Assad.

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