US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Few fellas on here would be sent to Gitmo if their phones were examined.


While all the high profile shenanigans make the news, what about the wall Street boys whom he brought in? Surely they have a plan for making corporate money

Are you suggesting this is all a plot to distract from some other nefarious doings?

Don’t watch the distraction. Look behind.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

This is like the plot to Die Hard with a Vengeance.

Or yknow, The Wizard of Oz as referenced by @Julio_Geordio

Worth a read


That is both a brilliant article and seriously disturbing.

Putin’s Russia really is the model along which Trump wants to run the US.

Bannon Is Given Security Role Usually Held for Generals

Does the job description include doing the White House renovation to budget .

This link was mentioned in the article @maroonandwhite posted above. I think it’s worthy of mention in its own right, given certain posters’ pretty much total denial of anti-semitism in the Trump campaign.

Again, the theme of having just enough plausible deniability runs through it.

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Ah here that’s giving some amount of credit to trumps intelligence. Sounds like some James Bond villains plan to take over the world. Trump ended up in power when even he didn’t think it would happen and now we are to believe some mass global conspiracy is taking place. Tinfoil central. Gas to see the likes of Sidney lapping it up.

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Acting attorney general Sally Yates, a holdover from the Obama administration, has defied Trump’s executive order on immigration:

It sounds depressingly mundane and plausible.

And you’d be a fool to think it couldn’t happen.

It has happened and does happen all over the world.

Those who think the US is immune to something like that happening, particularly with poisonous scum like Bannon involved, really need to let the scales fall from their eyes.

Can someone put up a photo of bosco coming out of his box? Only replacing the head with either spicer or priebus? In scene 11 trump comes out from under with his hand firmly up their holes.

Trump has now sacked Yates.


Everyone’s favorite fox news gimp.

Fucking mentalist. You can’t say he doesn’t write his own press releases, though.

I dont think its suggesting trumps an evil genius, but that he’s been led by one, Bannon. I agree trump was shocked to win, and is now in it just to get rich quick i think.