US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

That’s got to be a very hefty ‘if’.
A more realistic ‘if’, would be getting 10% of that amount.
Which might be enough to see him through for a good while.
How would he, a whetever-onaire, go about convincing other whatever-onaires to pony up without leaving the country lock stock and all but barrel.

Iraq being removed from the immigration ban list is because they threatened to retaliate and ban US citizens including private military contractors.

If Iraqi immigrants really were a threat, that shouldn’t have mattered, given that this is “all about security”, right?

The other countries didn’t have the same bargaining chips, and of course others had plenty of bargaining chips to not be named on the list in the first place.

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Isis are in control of a substantial area of Iraq…are you serious?

By reducing their ongoing tax rate from 35% to 20%. I agree it can’t be done standalone but part of an overall corporate tax plan. The existing tax regime is mad where US corporations can transfer their IP to international locations, declare profits there and pay little or no tax anywhere (Apple, but not just Apple). Corps only care about quarterly earnings, so anything that reduces their US tax is a bonus.

The big winners though are small companies who are crippled by state and federal taxes.

So you’re saying the US Department of Homeland Security are useless, yes? :relaxed:

The US and Western influences made shit of Iraq under false pretences in Iraq 14/15 years ago and created ISIS.

I wouldnt trust any US department further then I could throw it.

How many people in the US have been killed by people from the seven named countries in terrorist attacks in the last 40 years, mate?

Have you ever seen a documentary on the Kurds?

Your democrat heros created a cancer in the ME to overthrow supposed dictators…who agreed in my opinion were cunts, werent saints but look at the mess we’re in their now as a world.

Everyone agrees Gaddafi should have been left alone…Sadaam’s case is v similar…your left wing ideologies are ignorant in the extreme and laughable to be honest.

I dont follow your posts…buy can you honestly say the world would be in a safer place under Hilary rather then Trump?

Hilary is a hawk and a war monger…do a bit of reading.

Hillary Clinton lost. You need to get over it.

How many people in the US have been killed by people from the seven named countries in terrorist attacks in the last 40 years, mate?

20% be enough to get them back?

I’m over Hilary losing pal…I fucking loved the news at the time though.

Can you say the same about FOTF Trump?

How many people in the US have been killed by people from the seven named countries in terrorist attacks in the last 40 years, mate?

Until those 7 countries are governed properly…you and the left have no case…given whats occured with Islamic lunatics screaming about western infidels in Europe before carrying out terrorist attacks.

How many people in the US have been killed by people from the seven named countries in terrorist attacks in the last 40 years, mate?

How many people have the US killed in the ME while the Clintons/Obama were in power.

Do they not count in your leftist rhetoric?

You’re very niave…or else v badly informed.

You still haven’t answered!

You Trump supporters really hate questions!

How many people in the US have been killed by people from the seven named countries in terrorist attacks in the last 40 years, mate?

Trumps AG in the shit now

It’s similar to the tax rate in most countries. They are US companies so should be paying taxes in the US (and anywhere else based on international tax agreements). The problem is all the loopholes and special deals that allow corporations evade taxes. I would expect they will try and close those as well.

Only if you listen to the moron Democrats and the moron MSM that support them. Sessions was a senator and on the armed services commitee. It would be normal for members of that commitee to have classified meetings or discussions with diplomats from other countries. Sessions met with 25 diplomats in 2016, including the Russian ambassador. Nothing unusual there.

The pretend controversy is regarding Sessions’ testimony during his confirmation hearing. As expected the Democrats went after him on Russian interference in the election. In the context of that discussion he stated he was not aware of any Russian interference and had no discussions with the Russians regarding the election.

The bigger story tonight is it has been confirmed that Obama officials leaked information to the press before leaving office.

The Democrats are in disarray, Trump had a big win last night and they are desperate to take the gloss of that. Nobody with a functional brain in the US gives a shit about the Russia story.

Not what he was asked or answered though?