US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Itā€™s game over. The Don vs Killary in November.

Cruz running Trump close in several states, too early to call. Rubio spokesman endorces Cruz. This will go all the way to the convention, Kasich to stay in
Clinton cleaning up tonight, Bernie all done.

Hillary versus whatever freakshow the convention comes up with, which really has to be Trump. Youā€™d think Hillary will win easily, but Americans are just mental enough to elect Trump, especially if he gets people out to vote (yes, yes, I know, pott, kettle, we elected Tony Abbott FFS). The convention will be hilarious.
Whatever happens, the Republican Party is now dead. Good enough for them.

Sanders will beat Trump

Trump may beat Clinton

Sanders canā€™t beat anyone, popular as he may be. The demographic whose imaginations he has captured are the young educated folk, college kids, hipsters, etc. They donā€™t vote unfortunately, like to piss and moan but couldnā€™t be bothered going to the polling booth.

Missouri a dead heat

I donā€™t know whatā€™s scarier - Trump or Hillary in the White House. I suspect the former will never happen, and the Trump trojan horse will roll away once his job is done.

The scarier is Bill back in the White House!
David Plouffe,who was the campaign manager for Obama in 08 and 12, gave a sobering interview tonight. Pointed out that most elections are won by a few % and the difference is solely ability to influence turnout. There is a serious concern that Hillary has no drawing power and that Trump will get large numbers to vote that never vote (average turnout in US presidential elections is 54%). Hard to see that overcoming the nil points from women, Muslims, and anyone not white.

Hilary Clinton has no Irish heritage, Donald Trump is a great friend of Ireland and a great Clareman

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Iā€™ve been telling you for months, Mrs Rodham will not win in November. The Donald is a bit like Leicester City at this stage, heā€™s practically gone and won the thing before the world has woken up to the fact that heā€™s even a contender. Whatā€™s worrying for Mrs Rodham is her loss in Michigan. Thatā€™s a state thatā€™s lost tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs over the last few decades and has a deep rooted disgruntled blue collar white vote. Sheā€™s exactly the opponent the Donald needs, its all very well winning the primaries on Africa-American votes but they wonā€™t be out voting in anything like the numbers they were for the Moneygall man, this November. When Sanders has got stuck into her on Wall Street and globalisation killing off manufacturing in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania sheā€™s been very shaky. All are democratic leaning states but contain large unionised, white blue collar support. Exit polls on primary voters show that Sanders has won a majority over Rodham among voters concerned about the economy and those who think international trade has cost the US jobs. The Donald is even better placed than Sanders to exploit the discontentment out there amongst the white vote. Mrs Rodham has come up with no answers yet to the economic discontentment that Sanders and the Donald are drawing on. The Donald will sweep the white vote and that will sweep him into the White House.

President Barack Obama has nominated veteran appeals court judge Merrick Garland to be the next US Supreme Court Justice.

The Supreme Court vacancy follows the death of Antonin Scalia last month.

Judge Garland, 63, is viewed as a moderate and has won praise from senior Republican figures.

The appointment has to be ratified by the Senate, but its Republican majority has vowed to block a vote on any Supreme Court nominee from Mr Obama.

Republicans have called on the president to leave the nomination to his successor, who will be elected in November.

The death of Justice Scalia, a staunch conservative, left the nine-member Supreme Court evenly divided between conservatives and liberals.

The vacancy has become a major issue in the presidential election because the high court is often the final say on divisive issues such as abortion, immigration and climate change.

Urging the Senate to support Mr Garland, the US president said: ā€œHe is the right man for the job. He deserves to be confirmedā€.

President Obama said Mr Garland - chief judge of the Washington appeals court and a former prosecutor - enjoyed respect from Democrats and Republicans alike.

Announcing the nomination in the White House Rose Garden, Mr Obama praised Mr Garlandā€™s decency, integrity and even-handedness during his long career in public service, and described him as an exemplary judge.

Mr Garland was prepared to serve on the court immediately, he said.

President Obama expressed hope that Republicans would act in a bipartisan spirit and give Mr Garland a ā€œfair hearingā€.

The nomination was the ā€œgreatest honour of my lifeā€, Mr Garland said.

March 13: ā€œThe President told me several times heā€™s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I donā€™t believe him,ā€ Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) told us. ā€œ[Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man,ā€ he told us, referring to the more centrist chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia who was considered and passed over for the two previous high court vacancies. Hatch quickly added, ā€œHe probably wonā€™t do that because this appointment is about the election. So Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants.ā€

Who is this Mrs Rodham you refer to?
In other news, Hillary Clinton continues her march to the white house.

Timmy, youā€™ve been banging this drum for months now, itā€™s getting quite pathetic. Is there any chance charges will be laid against Hillary at some point? Theyā€™d want to get on with it, otherwise sheā€™ll be able to pardon herself soon.

Yes, but thereā€™s also a chance Wexford could win the All-Ireland hurling championship this year.

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Months? Point that out please, though she is going. She is currently being investigated. She committed a very serious crime.

That made me laugh.

What crime was that Tim?