US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

You really should keep to date more with basic current affairs.

You should really stop being such a try hard.

Lads like @Fitzy have a baseline understanding of what goes on in the world. The Guardian & John Oliver tells him a few things and he parrots it’s to the world

Killary disgusting…

There’s evil. There’s real evil. And there’s Hillary Clinton.

When the Free Beacon published tapes in which Hillary Clinton laughed cheerfully about a case in which she got a child rapist off, ordinary people had a glimpse into the twisted mind of a woman who keeps claiming to be a role model for young girls.

Hillary’s tactics including accusing a 12-year-old girl who had been savagely beaten and raped, in fine legal language, of being a mentally ill slut. The tapes were shocking even for her supporters. They revealed a complete lack of empathy and Hillary’s willingness to do absolutely anything to win.

Now Josh Rogin of the Daily Beast has talked to the woman who was raped, once by her attackers, and again by Hillary Clinton’s twisted manipulation of the legal system on behalf of her attacker.

In her interview with The Daily Beast, she recounted the details of her attack in 1975 at age 12 and the consequences it had for both her childhood and adult life. A virgin before the assault, she spent five days afterwards in a coma, months recovering from the beating that accompanied the rape, and over 10 years in therapy. The doctors told her she would probably never be able to have children.

Now 52, she has never married or had children.

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Clinton, then named Hillary D. Rodham, wrote in the affidavit.

I’m sure she fantasized her way into a coma.

Clinton also wrote that a child psychologist told her that children in early adolescence “tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences,” especially when they come from “disorganized families, such as the complainant.”

Is being beaten into a coma Hillary Clinton’s idea of a romanticized sexual experience?

The victim vigorously denied Clinton’s accusations and said there has never been any explanation of what Clinton was referring to in that affidavit. She claims she never accused anyone of attacking her before her rape.

“I’ve never said that about anyone. I don’t know why she said that. I have never made false allegations. I know she was lying,” she said. “I definitely didn’t see older men. I don’t know why Hillary put that in there."

Because that’s what liars do. And Hillary Clinton is a notoriously compulsive liar.

On the tapes, Clinton, who speaks in a Southern drawl, appears to acknowledge that she was aware of her client’s guilt, brags about successfully getting the only piece of physical evidence thrown out of court, and laughs about it all whimsically. :dead:

“He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Clinton says on the recording, failing to hold back some chuckles.

For the victim, the tapes prove that while Clinton was arguing in the affidavit that the victim could have some culpability in her own attack, she actually believed that her client was guilty.

Of course she did.

After hearing the newly revealed tapes of Clinton boasting about the case, the victim said she couldn’t hold her tongue any longer and wanted to tell her side of the story to the public.

“I think she wants to be a role model being who she is, to look good, but I don’t think she’s a role model at all… If she had have been, she would have helped me at the time, being a 12-year-old girl who was raped by two guys,” she said.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said.

"You are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.”

“How many other lies has she told to get where she’s at today? If she becomes president, is she gonna be telling the world the truth? No.”

The victim is concerned that speaking out will make her a target for attacks, but she no longer feels she is able to stay silent.

“I’m a little scared of her… When this all comes about, I’m a little worried she might try to hurt me, I hope not,” she said. “They can lie all they want, say all they want, I know what’s true.”

“When I heard that tape I was pretty upset, I went back to the room and was talking to my two cousins and I cried a little bit. I ain’t gonna lie, some of this has got me pretty down,” she said. “But I thought to myself, ‘I’m going to stand up to her. I’m going to stand up for what I’ve got to stand up for, you know?”

“[Clinton] owes me a big apology, [but] I’ll probably never get anything from her.”

Of course they will attack her. The left has no morals and no shame. It’s why Hillary Clinton is their perfect candidate.

If Hillary Clinton had spent the next few decades feeding the poor in Calcutta, it still wouldn’t have atoned for what she did to that little girl. But instead she went on building her career and she isn’t sorry in the least.

And who are you parroting here Timmy?

Alex Jones (not the rather lovely presenter of the One Show on BBC - the fat bald chap who gets rich from peddling conspiracy theories) says Hillary Clinton will be indicted.

That’s a very good indicator of the chances of it happening.

I’m giving you some info mate, which you haven’t even bothered to read.

You’re so desperate to appear right on in every thread but you are just so misinformed

He is some snake oil merchant.

Hillary is getting elected though.

She’s beating Trump in polls in all the key swing states, plus she’ll take Arkansas which generally goes Republican.

Should be enough to win 350 votes or so in the electoral college come November.

Agreed mate, she’d be the safer option as well for us.

Trump would never last even if he was elected.

They should really just get on with it. If she does spring an upset and beat the Donald in November it really would be a mess if like her husband, her Presidency ground to a halt to deal with her impeachment.

So why aren’t “they” getting on with it?

Due process.

It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.

“What essentially happened today is Hillary Clinton was elected president,” tweeted Tony Fratto, a former White House spokesman to President George W Bush, on Tuesday night. “We have eight months of hyperventilating before it’s official.”

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Hilarys main problem is that she is utterly utterly repulsive.


That didn’t stop Bertie Ahern


@Fitzy @Sidney