US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

He was popular with the Fianna FĂĄil base & the working and middle class all over the country.

Hillary is hated by her party’s and the majority of the US population.

@Fitzy has a massive horn for her though.

Cruz shoots off both feet by calling for police patrols in Muslim neighborhoods, prompting NYPD commissioner Bratton and mayor de Brasio to go medieval on his ass reminding him that New York City has fucking 900 Muslim policemen. Trump meanwhile playing it cool reminding people who was first to mention securing the border and keeping out terrorists, using greatly subdued language.

The fat lady has sung, it is finally Trump versus Hillary. Its going to be unreal and unbelievable, nothing like it in the history of our little planet. Not sure the Internet can handle this.

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Hillary on now ranting about destroying ISIS. She couldn’t stop a jeepful of Libyans grabbing her ambassador and carrying him around Bengazi like a rag doll. Trump is going to rip her fat ass to shreds.

Pretty good poll tracker here from the Huff Post:

Though I agree @anon7035031 Trump is going to walk this.

Both of them are heading for a 70% disapproval rating. It could be a ripe time for a third party candidate, late as it is. Make it even more interesting.

Would you lads bet your TFK handles on a Trump win?

Fitzy is being sarcastic and thinks Hillary will walk it. Personally I think Trump will win unless a 3rd party candidate enters the race. The Republicans might do it to stop Trump destroying them for a decade, even if it means handing Hillary victory. But yes, if its head to head I say Trump, and will rebrand if wrong.

What an interesting country this is. The southern evangelicals reject Cruz for Trump, and now the Mormons vote for Cruz. They also chose Bernie in a landslide over Hillary.

It’s a tap in for Hillary in any situation, be it head to head, or three way race.

If the Rep establishment thought Trump stood a decent chance in Nov, they’d be all behind him. They couldn’t give a fuck who is in the Whithouse as long as there is a big R by his name.
They know he can’t win in a national election, hence they are pulling their hair out trying to devise a way to stop him and get someone with half a chance on the national scale in the seat.
So his own party doesn’t think he has a hope, yet you think he’ll walk it.

For fuck sake, he is only getting about 1/3 of HIS OWN party’s primary voters. And these are the most hardcore partisan types. Yet he can’t break above 50% of those. How the fuck does he have a hope of getting 50%+ of the National electorate, with no appeal to the middle?

The Republicans are trying to stop him because he is not a Republican and will destroy their brand. He is going to get to the 1237, so will win at the convention. He is already moving to the center not that his voters would notice. The general election will be a whole new ball game. Hillary tough as she is must be shitting herself.

10% of the 50% that vote in the general election vote in primaries. Hillary and Trump both have unfavorables in the high 60s among the broader public. So both parties hate their own candidate and independents hate both. In a head to head the swing vote will be anti establishment which is Trump.

Bill Hicks on the American president…

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This is potentially a pivotal endorsement for Mr Trump. Arkansas native John Daly is one of golf’s few Democrats; only an exceptional candidate could inspire him to change sides. The more I look at this the more I think he will win. He just seems to be generating a lot more excitement than your average candidate and Mrs Rodham is a very average candidate and a flawed and beatable frontrunner.

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In a crowded field. He got 47 pct last night in Arizona.

I can’t believe people are not taking this fella seriously.

Not sure what you mean?

Arizona isn’t representative of the US mate, it’s an outlier. It’s a western state full of anti-gubmint gun toting nut jobs. Fucks sake, you see people in the grocery store with semi-auto rifles slung over their shoulders there. A horrible cunt like Sherriff Arpaio gets elected in landslides there, No surprise the Republican primary voters would vote for trump. And even then, he still didn’t break the 50% there and it wasn’t a crowded field…


What is representative of America? It’s a hugely divergent country. A Republic is not going to win states such as California anymore anyway. As always, Ohio and Flordia will be key states. Other large ones like Pennsylvania, Illinois and Michigan have fuck all in them as well. It’s all about getting your vote out.

Republicans have won six of the last nine Gubernatorial terms in California for fucks sake. A moderate Republican can most certainly win California. Add NY and a hape of other states to that. The Republican establishment know Trump hasn’t a hope in the GE as he alienates too many voters in the middle.

The Republican Party is not moderate anymore. None of the candidates who went forward had any chance of winning in California.

Ted Cruz and Kaitsch are not going to be any closer there ffs.

It has been a solid blue state since the 90s. Arnie is an outlier due to his celebrity. The number of Republicans getting into the House from there has dwindled and they haven’t had a Red Senator since the early 90s.

The question is who will perform better in the battleground states. I think Trump far more than Cruz but Trump could cost the Republicans Senante and House seats all over the shop.

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