US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Bush, McCain and Romney were all moderate Republicans and lost California. The gap is getting bigger as well, Obama got over 60% in both elections.

A moderate Republican is called a Democrat, the Clintons for example. It’s perfectly obvious what the Republicans have to do if they ever are to win a GE again, move to the middle on social issues and stay conservative on fiscal issues.

Correct, the Republican establishment fears losing the house and Senate more than they care about the presidential election. Trump is going to bring out a huge new vote, a lot voting for him and some voting against. Hillary simply won’t bring out the vote, so on paper she should win with anti Trump votes, but again it’s back to turnout. I know several lifelong Democrats who say they are going to vote for Trump. It’s an insane scenario unfolding.

It’s quite possibly the Democrats will take the house and Senate and Trump win the presidency. That would ensure that nothing will ever get done, which could be a good thing.

Isn’t the inverse of this what happened Obama?

Well, he got Obamacare through in his first term but he had a Democrat majority in the house and senate. Since 2012 he has got nothing done, so yes it would be a continuation of the past 4 years. For most people Obamacare has meant higher premiums and higher medical costs, the opposite of what was promised. All to provide health insurance to people who were never going to pay for health care anyway. I can walk unto any hospital tomorrow and they are obliged to treat me whether I have any ability to pay or not. So nothing changes in that respect, except people who can’t or won’t pay now have insurance, and everyone else pays for a new government agency run by morons.



Nate Silver is a busted flush

Elect that man

Arnold Vinick was a moderate Republican, and he won California.


Santos winning Texas was a pisstake by the writers

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If any of you still really think Trump will win the GE, you’re barmy. A spread of polls showing his favourable / unfavourable ratings:

When he wins the GOP nomination, some die hards will rally round him purely to stop Hillary, but they won’t be near enough.
This election is done, Hillary Clinton, 45th President of the United States of America.
That’s the best America can come up with. Slightly better than the alternative. Sweet jeebus.

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Too bad she’s going to jail

Donald hasn’t even got started on Hillary yet, just you wait. What a disgusting individual she is.

A horrible warmongering cunt,bernie will knock her out hopefully in the long grass

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In a profession riddled with lying cunts, she is absolutely at the apex. She obviously learned well from Bill who had to have bombarded her with lies from the day they met. The Democrats are taking a serious risk if they run her, she is a posterchild for all the issues that people are riled up about.

If she makes it to the general election Trump could absolutely hand her her ass. Tough as she is he would tear strips off her.

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Bernie is hanging tough yet,if he could take NY that would be a game changer,he has her badly rattled already

Not a hope.

I saw a Trump 16 (Make America Great Again) sticker on the back windscreen of a van in Sydney today.

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