US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Wisconsin called for Cruz and Sanders. Makes Trump’s path to 1237 difficult if not impossible. Trump has really shot himself in both feet over the past two weeks. It’s now inevitable there will be a contested election with fuck knows what outcome. Paul Ryan’s name cropping up a lot over the past week.
Sanders winning margin could be interesting, still Clinton’s to lose but Bernie is not going away.


Cleveland is going to be the clusterfuck to end all clusterfucks.

It’s going to be off the hook

If they don’t pick Trump there would be some amount of angry nut jobs going around the place.

Even more than normal in middle America?

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It’ll be the best convention since Chicago in 1968.


So Ryan has fairly categorically said he won’t accept any nomination. The right move for him of course and he has SO much stuff to fuck up, sorry, work to do as speaker anyway.
I’m really looking forward to the convention, it will be the best entertainment.

You should get out more.


I’m giving that a like as it’s a serious clamping

Cheers mate. You’re one of my favourite posters on here. In cyberspace even.


I’m going to include you in the elite group from now on.


Or maybe the 1971 Fianna Fail Ard Fheis.


The Democrats are going to win this by default. The GOP are in turmoil.

If ever there was an opening for a 3rd party candidate* in the US, this has to be it. Some loon probably Trump on the right and probably the widely despised Clinton on the slightly less right.

*Go ahead, throw your vote away

You might see a break away party after this election alright

It is likely to happen to the Democrats eventually as well. Sanders has given a huge chunk of their base at glimpse into the reality of what the Dem’s establishment actually stands for. Reform pressure is going to build on both the left and right and if the establishment parties don’t do something big they’ll both be devoured by it. They must be so happy that terrorism is still a big concern. They’d be in serious shit without it.

Bernie kicking ass here in the first half of the debate

Round 2 goes to bernie

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Donald has torn the establishment apart

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