US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Looks like Trump will get 70% in NY with Kasich second and the cunt Cruz last at 12%. Up your bollox Ted Cruz.


Hillary kicks Bernies ass in NYC

Not really, its closer than she would have liked. Itā€™s a home state for her given she was a NY senator and looks like she will win 60:40. I agree though Bernieā€™s goose looks cooked. The margin of victory shows how fragile her support is.

Trumpā€™s kids being interviewed on Fox. Tiffany looks like she would give ferocious head.

Thatā€™s not a good result for Hillary at all, you would have thought sheā€™d walk NY. She has the nomination, but not exactly the anointing she wanted.
Trumpā€™s childer, professional services ability notwithstanding, didnā€™t even bother to register as Republicans in NY so they could vote for their reptilian father. I believe there are serious tensions within the Trump camp also with a turf war breaking out between Lewandowski and the newly ensconced Paul Manafort.
Recent Assoc Press Poll had 63% of registered voters (thatā€™s registered voters, so people who might actually bother their hole voting, not just the general populace) saying they wouldnā€™t vote for Trump if he held a gun to their heads. Trump hasnā€™t a hope. So the alternative if Cruz, who of course the good burghers of the GOP are running to, tearing their hair out, ā€œSave us Ted, save usā€. Except theyā€™re not, because they fucking hate him because heā€™s an odious creep and would probably lose a gen election by a greater margin than even Trump.
So Iā€™ll put this out there - Trump doesnā€™t win the delegates necessary and it goes to a contested convention. The GOP install John Katich as their nominee.
Trump runs as an independent.

Clintonā€™s unfavorable ratings are not much better than Trumpā€™s. Assuming both get their partyā€™s nomination (for the sake of the argument) the question is who can rehabilitate their image and get people who vote to look past their negatives. She is simply an odious cunt with an ever more odious spouse. Iā€™m not sure she can be rehabilitated and has so much shit in her record ripe for attack in the general election. Trump has no political record, he is a complete outsider, so can run as a savior and paint her as more of the same shit.

Sheā€™s starting from a better base though and the Demā€™s will noted behind her, while the GOP continues to tear itself apart. Sheā€™ll win it, but itā€™s pretty amazing that the probable candidates are so unpopular and letā€™s face it, wholly unsuitable for the job.

The Racing Post put this up as a tip at the start of the year

Have you had a cut off it mate?

Itā€™s too late to run as an Independent. The deadline for getting on the ballot in most states was March. That woild mean heā€™d have to be a write in candidate in many states which is less than ideal.
I think he will almost certainly get the Rep nomination now.

Itā€™s still a tap-in for Hillary. Will take a momumental fuck up on her and the Dems part to lose.

Didnā€™t realise that, is that to get on the ballot for the gen election?

Hillary only wins if its versus trump (i still think hes a clinton plant) . Cruz might push her over the line if he shoots himself in the foot, put a fairly reasonable guy like kasich against hillary and sheā€™s goosed, she will get no turnout.

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Couldnā€™t see it priced up with the Irish chains at the time, meant to look for it again but had forgotten about it til you posted that

Itā€™s the general election.
I misspoke on the deadline, which appears to be june to early August in most states, and each has very different rules on the number of signatures required. But the general consensus is that you need to have your ground operation going by March to collect all the signatures and file the paperwork with all the "i"s dotted and "t"s crossed to be able to make those deadlines. Some states like Texas also have laws that you canā€™t run as an Ind if you ran for a major party nomination.

Trump and Bill Clinton are great buddies

Thereā€™s a lot about @Fitzy thatā€™s very strange but this is the most disturbing of all.

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The Republican base arenā€™t interested in reasonable right now.

Hillary Clinton is from Illinois. Bernie Sanders is from Brooklyn.

Obama is from Kenyā€¦sorry Hawaii but his home state is still Illinois.

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