US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

:rollseyes: FFS sake.

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Stick to bigging up the Shinners pal, your understanding of US politics is baseline

Eh yeah, whatever, pal.


In the US, home state generally isnā€™t defined by where you were born, but where your residence is, have spent most of your life, or in politics where you were elected. Sanders may have been born in New York but moved to Vermont in the 1960s and has only ever run for public office in Vermont. Clinton maintains a residence in NY (admittedly to seek the senate seat in 2000), was elected twice as a senator in NY, so NY would be regarded as a home state for her.

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Trumps supporters arenā€™t the republican base though, they are the last sting of the dying WASPs really. The gop has no principles, they just want the white house. Thereā€™s no way they will let him on their ticket

Trump absolutely cleaning up tonight, will win all 5 states and more importantly will likely win over 100 of 128 bound delegates. Indiana is shit or burst time for the not Trump campaign. Hillary has won, impossible now for Sanders.


This thread is fantastic - it distills several hours worth of debates and media bullshit into a few mins. Thanks @anon7035031, @maroonandwhite and @Tim_Riggins.

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Bad move dividing the states up against him. Made them look like they were attempting to subvert the democratic process. I hope Trump wins, I canā€™t wait for his pivot back to the centre.

As if republicans would give a shit about trying to subvert the democratic process.

Of course they donā€™t but it forced voters into Trumps arms

A great day for democracy and America

He wonā€™t have far to pivot. Trump is fundamentally a NY liberal progressive like Hillary. All his ranting has been to whip up support and gain the Republican nomination. Heā€™ll make bits of her in the general election, she is very vulnerable.

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Iā€™d say the two hā€™s for @Tassotti

A shy hooker, Iā€™ve seen it all.

No chance Ted

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Donald set to destroy Lyinā€™ Ted in Indiana

Ted having a meltdown haha

Today has been unbelievable. The Don is referencing a story made up by the National Enquirer, (the paper whos articles usually focus on whether bigfoot elvis and Marilyn Monroe are still alive and living together in the bahamas) which alleged that ted cruzs father was pictured distributing pro castro leaflets with lee harvey oswald not long before kennedy was shot. Theres a grainy photo of some man beside oswald, but no indication or evidence that the man is or has anything to do with cruzs auld lad. But by god did it work as cruz has flown off the handle and made a show of himself with an anger fuelled response, just like rubio et al have done before biting the bullet. Is this a parallel universe? Someone whos on the election ballet for president referencing a national Enquirer story to attack someone?