US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Donald is a genius. He’s going to run rings around Hillary.

He can if he wants, she is utterly despised by ordinary Americans. If he can move to the centre, which hes already doing, and paint her as a big money puppet, even if that means admitting he is one of the puppet masters, it will make him look good. I still think the anyone but trump protest vote will be too strong but if some of the mud he slings sticks anything is possible.

Called in 10 seconds

Game over :grinning:

Theres less than 5% of votes counted! Kasich told his supporters to back cruz in indiana, yet kasich is still polling at 12%, from people who just cant bare voting for either cruz or the don. CNN had bobby jindal on earlier, a GOP heavyweight, he was exasperated, asking is there no one else, is there no other options, before eventually admitting he would support whoever the nominee is. The party is destroyed.

Yeah apparently Trump wouldn’t be able to get over 40% :hushed:

What’s the new “ceiling” going to be come November?

Despite the onslaught on the media, the Republican Establishment and the Millenial generation on social media (not that they’d vote the right way and Republican anyway), Trump has beat the odds. Nate Silver has consistantly used endorsements as a strong indicator of who will win and it’s been blown up by Donald.


The American people are making their point at the voting booth. That last gasp move, along with the farce of Lyin Ted announcing a VP, shows how out of touch they are.

I hope Kasich is buried as a VP choice by Donald now for this fiasco but given he has largely stayed away from criticising Trump, he will be in with a shout.

Kasich is smart. Just be there at the convention and who knows what might happen. Cruz will drop out this week id guess.

Nah 1237 is in the bag. VP will be announced before.

Go Trump!!

A presidential candidate begins a campaign with a 50% chance once they have a “D” or an “R” next to their name.

Cruz gone. What a tosser.

The big story of the night is not Trump winning (which was predicable), it was Bernie defeating Hillary. It demonstrates how weak she is, the nomination supposedly sown up and she can’t win a fairly conservative state like Indiana. Trump must be salivating at the thought of ripping the lying phony cunt to shreds.


Stage 3.

The only federal building Hilary is fit to occupy is a penitentiary. She is a deplorable piece of shit.

On the plus side, I’ve now got Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon’s little ditty, “Love Me, I’m a Liberal” going around in my head. :laughing:

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With the “yo daddy killed JFK” line, Trump served notice today that nothing is off limits. Hillary offers up a smorgasbord of opportunity for Donald, he is going to go to town on her. It’s going to be fascinating, can’t wait for the debates. I think he will get to her and she will end up shrieking like a banshee.

At face value Hillary should walk it as she polls roughly the same as Obama (close to 50% whites, 70% Hispanics, 90+% African Americans). With the demographics continuing to move in the non white direction, theoretically she should beat Obama’s 2012 margin.

As I have being saying since this discussion started, it’s the economy stupid. If the US economy continues to muddle along Hillary will win. The evidence though is the US is heading into recession and by November that could be all that matters. In a contest between two wealthy fucks, the only relevant question is which one can appear to be empathetic to the plight of the common man. Trump can pull that off, Hillary can’t.

I think a song from your fellow CA men sums it up nicely. This is like watching a car crash happen in slo-mo.

NOFX - USA-Holes

It’s like seeing a car crash from inside the car
The driver’s got his head craned back he’s telling you a joke
You see the bus on collision course
You point your arm and turn your head and wait for the impact
This is the feeling we learn to live with in North America
The morning headlines always accompanied with sweat and nausea
Every week another puzzle piece gets permanently glued into place

We see the iceberg from 15 miles away
The captain orders the ship to “stay the course”
“Full speed ahead” shouts the accurst
The next thing we heard was, “rich women and children first”
The ship is listing, the captain’s placing blame on the iceberg
“That berg attacked us, I am declaring war on the Arctic”
Who could ever have predicted the greatest ship could so easily sink (duh)

Lifeboats are useless without rescue
The only ships show up for salvage
When setting sail on the St. Louis
We all knew what consequences could be
With the crew we had at the controls
There’s no harbor age for the USA-holes
I doubt there’s a benign God to save our souls
Cuz no one else is gonna save the USA-holes

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That’ll learn her

Yeah but bernie still only gets a few more delegates than her,she knew this was coming as she hightailed it out of there at the weekend,bernie is gonna hang in for a while yet

Lads I can’t believe this is actually happening :sweat_smile:

I kind of hope he wins the whole fucking thing now out of morbid curiosity.

A lad I used to live with is a yank and is pushing Bernie big time, being the reasonably level headed sort that he is.

Anyway someone, who he obviously knows, had a vote Trump post up on her facebook. He was commenting under it with fairly reasonable points like Trump called all Mexicans rapists etc. Everything he quoted to her, she just retorted “that’s taken out of context” or “that’s just the anti Trump agenda being pushed by the media”. :joy:
He has taken all the loon balls and fed them everything they want to hear.

Americans don’t believe their media any more thanks to years of blatant lies and bias so now instead they are prone to believing all manner of shite on alternative “news” sites who can say pretty much anything they want.

Having secured the nomination Trump will now move to the centre. He may well do it.