US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

There is nothing level headed about thinking Bernie Sanders should be President.

Weā€™re gunning for your b*tch Hillary next.

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Sheā€™s not my bitch you moron. The mysoginy on show here is unsurprising to say the least btw.

The left are going to desperately try and slur Donald. He wonā€™t be stopped though.

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Heā€™s doing a decent job of slurring everyone else himself.

17 candidates and Donald still has this wrapped up before Killary.:joy: All she had in front of her was a silly old coot of a socialist and an empty suit from Maryland and she is still scrambling.:joy:

Donald had the entire establishment, the entire media and social media clowns after him and heā€™s home and hosed by May 4th. Unreal.

He has survived several incidents that would have sunk any other candidate without so much as a wobble. The cunt might just be a genius

How many Presidential debates are there? Iā€™m thinking 3, itā€™s not hard to picture Donald destroying Hillary in the debates and then marching to the White House off the back of that. Heā€™s been defying expectations all the way and doesnā€™t look like stopping anytime soon

Kasich drops out

All aboard

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Hon Trump

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The hand wringing from the Republican establishment today is nauseating. Trump is the result of the cunts allowing the Tea Party nuts take over the party, you reap what you sow motherfuckers.


We win!!

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Whereā€™s the beef?

Has your b*tch Hillary finalised her cabinet yet?

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That Nate Silver is such a whizz kid :upside_down:


As much as I dislike Clinton sheā€™ll mop the floor with donald in the debates,quick ten second soundbites are grand in the republican debates but just wonā€™t do in the big leagueā€™s,unless sheā€™s arrested by the FBI sheā€™ll win in a landslide

His dream woman.

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Not so much that she will destroy him, he will destroy himself.
From here on out its a different game. What worked appealing to the Joe the Plumber trailer trash wonā€™t fly with middle America. They just wonā€™t see him as Presidential, way too much baggage over the last 3 decades and he has spent the last 6 months like he was on a reality TV show. Canā€™t change all that by November.

Dubya won enough of middle america. The Don has the advantage that he can garner support from everywhere in america. Of course heā€™s lack of actual policies wont stand up too long in a debate, but then the mud slinging will start, how many skeletons emerging can hillary survive. Anyway Trump just wont debate, just repeat slogans and talk off the cuff. Done him no harm so far. They cant keep writing him off.