US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

She is a vile person


You’re really taking this awfully to heart Tim, what gives?

Tim has declined badly as a poster since the heights of last Autumn.

I thought he could have been another @GeoffreyBoycott but the whole thing has unravelled very quickly on him and he’s now been reduced to being a junior member of the Emma Louise gang.

Sad to see for a poster who had undoubted potential.

Hmm? This is a thread about the US Presidential election. Either you want to be informed on candidates or not Blue.

Oh I’m informed enough, I just don’t understand why you’re getting so worked up. You’ve really built up a head of steam here. What gives?

I’m in fine form, this train is going all the way to DC


You think you’ve secured the TFK votes then?

Public transport, eh? What a loser.

Donald wants to invest in public infrastructure, Hillary just panders. She’s been riding around in public vehicles on the taxpayers dime for years.

Trump has a vision for the USA the likes which hasn’t been seen since Roosevelt.

The American roads and bridges are falling apart. No investment for years.

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Unreal. I drove down from Boston to Cape Cod about 5 years ago and couldn’t get over the state of the roads. I actually feared for my own safety. And we give out here about a few potholes on back roads out the West.

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Yeah the road in from JFK to Manhattan feels like you are driving in a computer game with multiple levels

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John Oliver (for once) did a good piece on this.

It can vary hugely state by state though. Texas has savage roads I found. They’d want to be with all the pick up trucks. Though I thought it was the most Mick thing I’d ever seen when the Highway repairs unit were out doing repairs on the Fort Worth to Dallas highway after a Saturday night game with 90k people trying to get back into Dallas from AT&T Stadium.

Chicago’s and the surrounding area, Rhode Island, NY and Cali are piss poor. No surprise they’re largely Dem states.

Maybe they have the most traffic

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Lads getting out of them to find work.

There are few places in the world where the car is relied upon as much as Texas and its main cities.

Chicago’s are so shit it’s unbelievable frankly. Huge crater potholes in the middle of junctions. The weather plays a role but for such a great city it’s surprising.

Trump is going to make America great again

The road to Newark is pretty bad as well.


I assume the extreme cold and heat makes shit of the roads