US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Is Trump going to fix the USA electrical plug?

Every time I plug into something over there I am bracing for an electric shock

I would vote for a better plug situation for America

Ah yeah. Itā€™s the same over here but the roads are maintained reasonably well.


After 2012, many Republicans were aware that the countryā€™s demographics were tilting against them in presidential elections. Nominating Donald Trump perversely exacerbates these problems rather than alleviating them. This doesnā€™t guarantee a win for Hillary Clinton, but it does make it overwhelmingly likely.

Itā€™s simple really you canā€™t win the election with just the white male vote and thatā€™s all trump has,hillary is still a cunt but sheā€™ll win handy enough

This will be a seminal election in American politics. The dying throes of the angry white male. After this one it will be abundantly clear to Republicans that you canā€™t win on a national level without a shift to the center.
America has become too diverse and tolerant and there arenā€™t enough Archie Bunker types left in America anymore to get you over the line.
The key for republicans is the fiscally conservative but socially tolerant candidate. Even blood red Texas will turn purple in the next decade or so as millions of young Hispanic voters come of age.

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I agree, it will be a seminal election, the first time a complete outsider non politician is elected president. The business community are already planning how to deal with a Trump presidency. Why do you think that is when they would much prefer Hillary and are funding her massively?

Iā€™d have to fully agree with you there


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Good shout. The military is part of government though and as chief of staff of the army he would have been an advisor to Truman and very familiar with the inner workings of Washington. He also held senior administrative roles in Europe after the war. Trump is a complete outsider, I doubt thereā€™s anyone in or out of government that thinks he can be controlled. Eisenhower was a bit of a maverick as well, supporting US allies on some issues and opposing them on others. On balance up there with the best presidents the US have had.

Whatā€™s all this bullshit?

" I doubt thereā€™s anyone in or out of government that thinks he can be controlled. "

Maybe TFK gotta listen to this guy, he definitely sounds like heā€™s in the knowā€¦ Jesus give me strength.

Are you the gimp that started off as the financial whizz that advised on the markets, this before being the know all chef when it comes to tin foil steaks and a can of beer up a chickens arse.

You may be the ELGā€™s U.S Correspondent and presidential expert cos theyā€™re all fucking gombeens but youā€™ve been found out big time.

@Julio_Geordio fuckin nailed your bull shitting in one post. Never was a rebrand needed so much than then. You shouldā€™ve taken it, fresh start, weā€™d understand. This of course unless youā€™ve just left your kitchen job on Wall Street and your now cooking ribs on Capital Hill with you finger on the pulse?

If your fingerā€™s not on the pulse then go out to your herb garden, grab some parsley and mint, go back into your kitchen, rub it together and shove it up hole with a nice Chardonnay you cock.

Christ give me Catriona Perry or a lonely Charlie Bird any day.


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I have a rule in internet discourse, as in real life, not to engage with individuals who are clearly mentally disturbed. The only thing thatā€™s more disturbing than the contents of the above post from @anon98850436 is the fact that eight fellow numpty dolts liked it. There is no surer sign of a lunatic that someone who has no opinion on a topic worthy of posting, but feels the urgent need to launch a personalized attack on a fellow poster. Bizarre behavior, but perhaps a glimpse of why the individualā€™s wife needs a mental health day once a month.

I would respectfully suggest that the Cat Burglars are the oneā€™s who need a rebrand, might I suggest the St Brendanā€™s Alumni.


TFK is built on attacking the poster irregardless of the topic


That may well be but an important part of being rehabilitated back into society is recognizing how normal people interact. There may still be hope, however slim, for some of the SBA gang.

Your non-engagement rule should be extended to screaming mary ā€˜debatersā€™ that pretend to have an expert opinion (and a right one at that) on most things, but that really get their shits and giggles from egging on bizarre ad hominem attacks from the sidelines.

I enjoy reading @anon7035031 's musings, not that they are ever likely to trouble me unduly personally. Heā€™s a top top poster.


Sanders ahead in West Virginia, according to the polls