US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

No, they deserve an education. They were raised in some backwater and never travelled more than 5 miles to the nearest shop/church/GAA field. We have to at least try, if nothing else for the sake of their offspring (perish the thought). Their brains can be fixed, unlike the mental ones.

He only gets 16 of 27 delegates though. The Democrats system is totally fucked up, he should be close to Hillary. His supporters know that and are pissed. Would love to see a 4 way race, problem is no one gets a majority and the house decides i.e. Whoever controls the house.

He should run as an Independent! Shame on the Democrats.

Hon Trump

I’m surprised a devoutly moral person like yourself would support a serial rapist and philanderer who has been divorced twice and supports abortion Tim.

You must be confused, Clinton’s husband is the serial rapist. The only person who accused Trump of rape was his first wife Ivana who later clarified she didn’t mean rape in a criminal sense, but that one night he wasn’t his normal “gentle lovemaking self” and was a bit rough with her.

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Sling your hook mate, so many lies in that post I don’t know where to begin. Bernie winning last night and Hillary’s continued failure must really be getting to you.

Ah, I’m sure he’s raped lots of people in lots of ways, so it can’t be all that far removed from the truth.

What lies? Is your moral compass conflicted Tim? Do you need to go to confession?

Fitzy can’t help himself, on a US Politics thread he’s bringing someone’s religious faith into proceedings again. These militant atheists are gas, seperation of church and state for them means them having free reign to attack someone’s religion whenever they want. And then they’ll moan that someone mentions God in a speech.:grin:

You’re tying yourself up in so many knots here it’s almost funny. Imagine someone bringing religion into a US politics thread, no US politician ever invokes their religion or religious beliefs I suppose.
Anyway, never mind me, what about you Tim? How do you reconcile your support for Trump with his clearly morally dubious attitudes? How would the church view Trump?

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There’s going to be plenty of this from @Fitzy over the next few months, the forum’s Number 1 Hilary supporter.


Did you miss this bit @Fitzy?

The only person in knots here is you. Pulling the stomach off yourself thinking about Hilary.

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Hillary Clinton is over three million ahead of Bernie Sanders in the popular vote, mate.

Where did I say I support Clinton? I never have. This is some sort of wet dream @balbec has about finding a Hillary supporter. I can’t stand her, as my comments above have clearly indicated, from long ago.
But it’s a nice deflection of course from the rank hypocrisy of the right wing godbotherer nut jobs on the forum. Sweep sweep.

My God you’re falling apart

I doubt your god would be too happy with your political choices.

You’re flailing around here desperately to deflect from Killary’s failure. This is a politics thread, not a religious one. I know you can’t help yourself normally anyway but start a atheism thread or something if you want to bash religious people.

The popular vote is meaningless as different states use different systems, some states hold primaries and some caucuses. Half the states don’t even have a popular vote. The system is based on delegates, not votes, and Hillary’s lead is mainly with the pledged delegates, who can be a fickle lot as she discovered in 2008. The big gap in the popular vote is the completely lopsided results in the southern states, states that will vote Republican in the general election anyway, so amounts to nothing.

The big problem the Democrats have is that Bernie has YUGE support and much of that support will not vote for Hillary, if fact polling is showing that 50% would vote for Trump over Hillary (as Trump is perceived as anti establishment like Bernie, however crazy that may seem). That’s a YUGE problem for them in swing states.

The reality is both parties are deeply divided right now, and the electorate is fed up and very angry towards both parties. The economy is by far the biggest issue for most voters, a fact that does not favor an establishment figure or the sitting president’s party.

what’s @Fitzy fascination with Hillary Clinton all about? does he want to bang the arse off her or what?