US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

As a swathe of criminality by illegal immigrants goes unreported, and, is less likely to be attributed due to dna, identification, etc, any such declaration is completely invalid. Iā€™m not saying you are wrong, just that I donā€™t believe such stats are in any way reliable. Throw in the fact that crime reporting in both the UK and US has been flawed and skewed and massaged time and again, and it makes such an assumption even less merited.

Iā€™ll still take convincing that this isnā€™t one big ball hop with trump shooting himself in the foot at a few opportune moments to set hillary up. Two thoroughly dislikeable choices, something pathetic that the run of presidents in the supposed bastion for democracy will be a man, another man, the first mans son, obama, the second mans wife. Pure nepotism.


Style over substance mostly but Donald actually has substance

I canā€™t agree with you there, heā€™s proven to be a terrible businessman, but his brand name is still a huge seller. Heā€™s been able to associate his image with success, somehow.

Heā€™s in the real estate business which is notoriously boom and bust. Itā€™s basically an industry of slimeballs from your average RE agent (there are a few good one, most are scumbags) up to Trumpā€™s level. An ideal breeding ground for a politician. If you were to do a psychological profile on both, Clinton and Trump probably overlap on the sociopath chart.


I see where Trumpā€™s campaign issued an urgent appeal for $100k on Saturday from supporters as the campaign was about to go under. $100k. I thought this fuckwit would be able to which out a cheque for $100k without even blinking.
His poll numbers have crashed, heā€™s now less popular than Bush, McCain and Romney at this point in the last three elections. He has no staff in swing states, none. Paul Ryanā€™s still talking about the convention coming up with an alternative candidate.
Hillary wins.

The Repubs are writing a new rule to allow first round conscience objectors. Opens the door for Trump to be shown the road. Will be interesting as will the Democratic convention with Bernie unwilling to concede.

Obama will bring Bernie round and theyā€™ll be united by the time of the convention, at least they should be. A huge opportunity to show that they are a united party, while the GOP eats itā€™s own.
Trumpā€™s campaign is rapidly turning into a debacle and repubs are running away. I reckon this could be a very low turnout election with a landslide to Clinton, in as much as you can have a landslide in such a low turnout.

Bernie has already said he will endorse Hillary and that stopping Trump from getting to the white house is the most important issue.
Still a tap in for Hills no matter what @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins would like to believe.

The only tapping Killary will be doing is off her prison bars

What a beautiful image. Heartwarming

Poor Bill looks tired

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He is destroying her today. Go to his timeline for more, an absolute clinic on show from him.

I see Clinton has narrowed the Vice Presidential search down to three who are being vetted now, Elizabeth Warren (who would be fantastic, but is a woman and therefore not likely), Senator Timothy Kaine (never heard of him) and the most likely, Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Julian Castro, who would be a great addition to her ticket.

Youā€™ve never heard of tim kaine? ,your some fuckin bluffer

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Thereā€™ll be some fun if the Democrats try to put a Castro in the White House. First a Hussein, then a Castro.


No I havenā€™t, I thought I said that in the original post.

Elizabeth Warren :joy: