US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

I agree with you completely here. Republicans like Ryan are tripping over themselves here that he says it but far worse is said during judicial appointment procedures in the House.

Nothing Donald said was racist. You could say that he is wrong to question a judges independence but surely people must see this is no ordinary defendant?

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If Trump tweeted a picture of himself and his friend from the Ku Klux Klan with a bucket of fried chicken and the tag line ā€œWe love negrosā€ @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins would still be claiming heā€™s not racist. :grinning:


He hasnā€™t though :confused:

What is racist about what he said here?

Thatā€™s because there is no evidence he is a racist. When you ask the morons who call him a racist why they believe that, they invariably cite two positions of his; building a wall to keep Mexicans out, and banning Muslims from entering the country.

Muslim is not a race. A Muslim is a follower of Islam, a religion, so if you want to accuse Trump of something, he is intolerant of one religion. There are Muslims of every race, if I converted from my current religion of Pastafarian to Islam, I would be a Muslim, just as if converted to Judaism I would be a Jew. Simples.

The wall issue is even easier. You would think someone from Europe would understand the issue of unsecured borders and the potential problems, or perhaps ISIS need to blow up the whole fucking continent before itā€™s understood. If we lived in an utopian society I agree, no need for borders, but the reality is we donā€™t and there are lots of criminals, drug smugglers, terrorists, etc. who we should take seriously about stopping entering our civilized countries. Trump is wrong to pick on Mexicans, as itā€™s not just Mexicans entering through the US southern border illegally, its a lot of nationalities, and basically anyone with enough money to pay a human trafficker.

Trump is a hateful psychopathic cunt, but no evidence he is a racist. Besides, I am sure he has lots of Hispanic and African American friends, the litmus test of tolerance according to @Rocko .

Immigrants to the US are statistically less likely to commit crime than people born in the US, mate.

If Trump insists on being racist he should at least make sure heā€™s familiar with the facts.

Funny how those who love to shout about ā€œcommon senseā€ usually have the least of it themselves. Thatā€™s because itā€™s usually a euphemism for backward, prejudiced views which have no basis in reality.

Nice straw man argument. Itā€™s certainly true that legal immigrants have lower crime rates than the existing population. However, I am referencing the criminal element within illegal immigrants, which is highā€¦ and, shove your ā€œprejudiced viewsā€ opinion up your ass buddy.

All immigants, legal and illegal, have a lower crime rate, buddy.

Illegal entry to the US is a crime buddy, so thatā€™s 100% of the illegal population. Are you saying greater than 100% of the existing population are criminals?

Nice attempt at a deflection, pal, which does absolutely nothing to make your argument look any less stupid than it already does, quite the opposite in fact.

My argument is a sovereign country securing itā€™s borders is common sense, you are the one deflecting with irrelevant crime statistics. Whether illegal immigrants are more or less likely to commit crime is irrelevant to the larger issue of securing the border. If one illegal immigrant commits a serious crime, thatā€™s one too many.

You started the argument about crime with ill-informed Trump-esque bluster.

I finished it with facts.

Move on.

Republicans and Democrats agree on the importance of securing the border. There is (statistically) nobody in the US that supports an insane open borders policy like Europe. The Obama administration has been the most aggressive in recent US history on illegal immigration, and has deported more people than any previous administration. Hillary is likely to be even more aggressive as outlined in the Democratic Immigration manifesto. Your knowledge on US matters is abysmal.


Noted for future reference that you think Hillary Clinton is more hardline on immigration than Trump.

Thatā€™s Hillary Clinton, who has offered a path to citizenship to all law-abiding illegal immigrants, being more hardline than Trump, who wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants and build a wall across the entire US-Mexico border.


Could someone point to any actual examples of bias on the part of District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in the case against Trump University?
As to the racism charge, Trump is the one who has brought race into a case about business preying on highly vulnerable (albeit quite thick) people. Heā€™s called the Judge a Mexican and implied that because of this and Trumpā€™s Mexican wall thingy, he canā€™t get a fair trial. Thereā€™s absolutely no evidence of bias on behalf of the judge. Oh and heā€™s not Mexican either.
So while Trump may not actually be a racist in the classic sense of the word, heā€™s using racially biased dog whistling tactics. Heā€™s also showing once more what a complete fucking moron he is at the same time.

Sorry, mate, I note you said Obama in that post, not Trump. Itā€™s been a long day.

But either way, Clinton is still more liberal on immigration than Obama.

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No worries.

Obama has been far more aggressive on illegal immigration and securing the border than Bush or any other recent administration. We donā€™t know exactly how aggressive Hillary will be, but unless she goes against the stated Democratic platform, securing the border is the top priority.

We simply donā€™t know at all what Trump would do (on pretty much any issue), as he is still in the make it up as he goes along mode. Regardless of bluster by prior Mexican presidents, the trade imbalance between the US and Mexico is a significant bargaining chip. What we do know is the Mexican government has no interest currently in curbing the flow of illegals and drugs across the border.

Allowing a plaintiff firm be appointed in the case that contributed $675,000 to the Clintonā€™s over the past 5 years. Other than that, not much.

If ā€œbusiness preying on highly vulnerable (quite thick) peopleā€ justified litigation, all fee paying universities in the US should be shut down. The whole thing is an absolute racket.

Itā€™s not a normal situation. Trump is not a normal defendant. Trump University is a political case.

Why are people getting so hung up on him calling him Mexican? No one has a problem when X politicans is described as Irish over there so why Mexican, is it a little bit of subtle racism there on behalf of the so called liberals? It took the Irish Americans decades to be accepted into the establishment and being described as Irish not to be an issue. But Mexican? Big issue it seems for the left.


Interesting reading. She really is a vile person.