US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Donald Trumpā€™s campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns

I think we can stick a fork in the Donaldā€™s campaign at this stage.

But but but, the debates!

A bit of high jinks is all we can look forward to from them.

Hasnā€™t he hired some lad from Breitbart now? I reckon the pivot is a bit of a long-shot at this stage.

I thought the debates would be his last roll of the dice, but he doesnā€™t seem too enthusiastic about them.

Ye some bannon lad,talk of trump/bannon/ailes starting off a nuttier/teaparty type news station to rival fox as theyā€™re too liberal now apparently

Some gas cunts, yer man with the t-shirtā€¦

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"Trump nearly quintupled the monthly rent his presidential campaign pays for its headquarters at Trump Tower to $169,758 in July, when he was raising funds from donors, compared with March, when he was self-funding his campaign, according to a Huffington Post review of Federal Election Commission filings. The rent jumped even though he was paying fewer staff in July than he did in March. "


What a man :smile: , heā€™ll make fucking money out of the campaign the way heā€™s going.

The man is capitalism :clap: and Americans love capitalism, or at least they think they do anyway.

Wait till he starts TNN or Trumpbart or whatever his new news station is gonna be called

Hard to believe that Fox is now too liberal.

Trump is a hero for the successful men and women.

The democratic candidate is a hero to those who depend on handouts from the state.

Erica would probably be a democrat voter if she was allowed to vote :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The data says the direct opposite mate. Trumpā€™s base is the broke and uneducated. The educated high earners donā€™t want anything to do with him. In Republican terminology, Trump appeals to angry losers looking for someone else to blame for their problems.


Yeah itā€™ll be fun if it ever gets off the ground,hannity the horrible lapdog cunt will proably be first to jump ship

Lovely, throw up the details behind your statement.

Just a sample.

ā€œDonald Trump does really well among white voters without a college degree. Indeed, he is on track to carry that group by a wider margin than Mitt Romney did over President Obama four years ago. But thereā€™s another side to that coin: While Trump is outperforming your run-of-the-mill Republican among whites without a college degree, heā€™s underperforming among white voters with a college degree. In fact, he is on a track to lose white college graduates.ā€

ā€œFurthermore, a Bloomberg poll revealed that Clinton is prevailing among white college educated voters, 48 percent to 37 percent. That same demographic supported Mitt Romney by 14 percentage points just four years ago, according to Bloombergā€™s John McCormick. And Clinton leads among all college educated voters by 22 percentage points in that Bloomberg poll.ā€

ā€œTrump is indeed facing mountainous skepticism among those well-educated whites. In the ABC/Post poll, 60 percent of them said heā€™s not qualified to be president.ā€

Throw up the data you mentioned when you get a chance.

By the way some of your posted points actually go against your initial point :joy:

A few opinion pieces wonā€™t really suffice. :wink:

Thatā€™s probably why @ProjectX is such a big fan of Donald.