US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Disgusting. If someone said that about Hillary Clinton’s base you’d be crying racism.

So funny how the libs have avoided posting this all day :joy::joy::joy:

All “personal” to her husband who claims not to understand email no doubt :joy::joy::joy:

Christ I’d forgotten about those auld emails, there was a time they’d have left a dent, but thank god for the Donald and his ineptitude.

These are new ones, the “personal” lost ones the Feds are just getting to work on them now

Yerra Donald begged Russia to bug US citizens and encouraged people to assassinate a US President. Let em out I say, this is tremendous entertainment. I can’t wait tbh.

That famous liberal sense of humour

Do you label anyone who doesn’t support Trump a liberal?

No, hardly.

The outcry over the Russian joke came primarily from one place though.

The smoking gun on the emails, which the State department are desperate to have suppressed (they recently asked for a delay in their release until mid 2018), is the connection between the Clinton State department, the Clinton Foundation, and Teneo Holdings (a global consulting firm that Bill Clinton was a paid advisor for). Huma Abedin, who worked for Clinton at the State department, and is now a senior member of her campaign, also worked for Teneo at the same time, and Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s Chief of Staff at the State department, also worked for the Clinton Foundation at the same time.

During Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, her aides communicated with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo an average of 700 times a month. The state department originally estimated the number of emails at 6,000, but have now had to admit is it over 34,000, the volume of the emails being one of the reasons they have asked for the 2 year delay :joy:

One would wonder what was so important for the US State department that they had to communicate 35 times a day with two privately owned companies? Hopefully Julian Assange will do us a favor and release the emails in the middle of the presidential debates. The American people have the right to know if their government is as corrupt as they suspect.

Russian joke, good one brah.

I guess technically Johnson counts as a third party.

The Libertarian party is a third party yes, and will take a lot of votes that would normally go to the Republican candidate. Johnson will get north of 10% in many states and could get north of 15% if he were allowed into the debates.

Trump is off to Mexico :smile:

Toby Keith says “what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico”.

You’re the man I was looking for. Can you explain to me what way the election works.

Is it state by state? Whoever wins the most states wins. Or is each state weighted? By that I mean if you win a state, that guarantees you a certain amount of votes. The bigger the state the more votes you win.
Or is it strictly down to population

I’ll take this one. It is done state by state on a first past the post basis. They average out the polling turnout and then multiply that percentage across the electorate of each state. Whoever gets to 51% of that number then gets awarded that state. Whoever gets to 26 states then gets elected.


Thanks chief

Horse is talking through his ass, chief. You were far closer to being right than his gibberish.
The individual states are won by popular vote, so get a simple majority you win the state. The states however have a variable number of electoral votes based on the number of senators and representatives, so CA for example has 55 and Vermont has 3. The total # of electoral votes is 538 and you need 270 to win.

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So in theory you could actually receive less votes then your adversary but depending on the States, still win the election?

Yes. Gore for example won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the electoral vote after Florida was awarded to Bush.