US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Thank you. I was just interested that’s all

Don’t mind that messer. It’s first past the post on a state by state basis dependent on turnout. Have you never heard of “the dash for 26”? That’s what that comes from. One vote, one state.

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I’m sure between the two of ye, ye have it right.


It’s the electoral college system.

Each state has a weighting from large to small

If a candidate gets the majority of votes in the state, they get the full electoral college weighting.

This is why we have red states and blue states.

I see Mrs Trump is suing the ass off the daily mail.

Not entirely true.
Kansas and Maine award their electoral college votes by congressional district.
The rest are winner takes all.

Also, the “Electors” are not always bound by law to vote for the candidate who wins their state. It’s rare that they vote against the wishes of the electorate, but it has happened.

As is Didier Drogba.

What’s Didiers beef?

They implied that he was playing games with donations to his charity. He seems very cheesed off about it.

Never new that.

Drogba, coincidentally, has about as much chance of becoming First Lady as Melania Trump.

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Donald is going to peak in November . The white thrash will swing this a la Brexit .

Don’t write Trump off yet. This whole email thing isn’t finished.

This will be tight yet . The polls are closer.

Trump is making significant gains in the latest polls.

Clinton supporters don’t get too comfortable yet.

Clinton’s unfavorable ratings are now the same as Trump, an incredible accomplishment considering the groups of people Trump has alienated. The “pay to play” revelations regarding the Clinton Foundation and the State Department are doing a lot of damage, the Clintons think it’s still 1985 in Arkansas when they could do what they liked and Bill could make it all go away with a goofy laugh. That realistically ended with the semen on Monica’s dress, but Hillary still thinks she can deny and lie her way to the White House, just as Bill did.

Given how the gap has narrowed recently, the debates will now be decisive. It’s very hard to call how they will go, but one thing for sure is they will be nasty. I’m not sure how well she will hold up when it gets really nasty, as Trump will bring it to a level that has never been seen in US politics.

So you’ve reverted back to thinking Trump has a chance again, mate?

It’s a stunning testament to Hilary that you can still get odds on her.

If hillary got bumped off somehow, kaine would saunter into the white house,people hate hillary she’s a cunt,trump is the only thing keeping her in this

Donald Trump is going to be the next President of the United States of America.