US Presidential Election 2020

Georgia have disgraced Dixie.

Biden doesn’t need to die for Harris to take over, just take a bad stroke.

That’s clearly complete nonsense, with all due respect.

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I am declaring Michigan and Wisconson for the Democrats.
O Biden won’t even need Penn or Georgia if he can just pick up Nevada

He should talk to McIllroy, he has lots of experience dealing with bad strokes on the final day in the US.

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That cunt will be assassinated if she gets in at any stage. ( in case the CIA see this at any stage it wasn’t me)

I think this is the unique code @bill is on about … фйщдб

Why do you equate veterans as rapists?


Count all the votes and shake hands at the end of it. I’m totally zen on this.

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This could turn into a complete landslide.

Nate Silver could be vindicated yet.

Trumps post election strategy beginning to crystalize I see, another of them was on about a bombing campaign earlier


Lads are on edge here. Ready to take up arms even.

Proud Boys Irish office

Wow. Psycho stuff.

The meltdowns have already started.

Its fucking fascinating to watch

This is a real scenario.

Kamala gets sworn in on inauguration day? I presume she would?

Exactly. A good old foreign invasion is just what the political class in America needs to distract from the shitshow that they have made of their country

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Democrats could lose a senate seat in MI yet.

@Lazarus can you create a “Post your favourite meltdowns following Biden’s win” thread please