US Presidential Election 2020

You want to disregard the votes of those abroad on military duty, defending freedom?

How dare you!

0.47% chance of a normal 78 old American dying within the year. in ten weeks it’s about a 1/100 shot. They don’t have access to their own personal physican etc though. Although, assassination has to be a real possibility given how fucking mental they are in the states

Trump will be kept busy defending criminal charges.

No keep those . They are over seas .

He has a very nervous phonecall to make to Vlad in the next few hours

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I wouldn’t be giving anyone a vote a month before the election . That’s bollix .

Any chance Biden’s victory speech begins with:

Not so sleepy now am I, motherfucker!


So you want to disregard the votes of the veterans who have fought for freedom across the world in the name of America, but who are currently cocooning or unable to make it to the polls due to illness or Covid?

You disgust me.

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Tie it up with lawyers , biden won’t be able for another fight and die off . Harris was never sworn in so ,we go again and do it right .

You appear to be an enemy of democracy

A tune of the Wests asleep would unreal apt.

These 30 Seconds of calm are the job, @KinvarasPassion would love them

No get them to phone a vote on the day , get a unique code , password and phone it in . On the day. Veterans , more like rapists

It’ll be great to get a Biden win just to watch the meltdowns from the likes of these lads and @dodgy_keeper and the Nogra racist loonballs and associated screaming snowflakes.

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Hooch is crazy


What could possibly go wrong

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Georgia have disgraced Dixie.

Biden doesn’t need to die for Harris to take over, just take a bad stroke.

That’s clearly complete nonsense, with all due respect.

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