US Presidential Election 2020

I wouldā€¦ dug out of her.

Very soon

I think 50k a month for a seat on the board is the current price

Unity over Division

CNN are saying that Trump threatened to throw out the mail ballots because he had a temper tantrum last night. They have an inside line.

Where are the riots from the Trump supporters we were told about?? Only mobs out in force were the BLM & Antifa scum.

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No it isnā€™t.

The word is heā€™d gone utterly apoplectic backstage before the speech last night

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How you would vote for John James and Joe Biden on ballot paper takes some doing.

When all is lost, then all is found

Love this shit. Where did you hear that? On the Galway pub owners WhatsApp group?


With Arizona gone I think Iā€™m right in saying Pennsylvania no longer matters. Trump in needing a miracle territory here

My connect in the GOP


Can someone summarize the last 8 hours of posts?
Hereā€™s where it stands. Biden should win, based on Michigan and Wisconsin trends.
Dems unlikely to take the Senate and will have a reduced majority in the House.
Gridlock for 4 years.
Pelosi has to go, this was the best opportunity Dems will ever get to take control.


Just a lot of the usual suspects having their usual meltdowns really

Embarrassing admission: I really like John Kasich.

A fella on CNN did a lot of stuff with a map, mainly repeating himself over and over. Other than that, not a lot.
I see California voted against Uber drivers having Workers rights. I thought ye were supposed to be woke? Hard to fight the cheap taxis I guess

Oregon voted for Heroin. What a fucked up place

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Personal use amounts, by which stage theyā€™re already fucked anyhow. Option to pay a fine and go into a treatment centre funded by weed legalization. Interesting to see how it goes.

$184 million buys a lot of votes, $145M of it from Uber, Lyft and Door Dash.