US Presidential Election 2020

The 1974 New Hampshire senate recount was so close the two lads just agreed to a 2nd election. Can’t see that happening here somehow

Wouldn’t be a bad result for the Kamala Harris backers :rofl:

The woman who won Georgia :clap: :clap:

Dry your eyes lad your hero has been defeated.

He taught junior infants for years until the parents association complained

You’re a shallow dimwitted no nothing if you think you can cast this off as just a go dry your eyes thing. You’re a fucking idiot, along with the rest of ye Biden supporting fools. You haven’t a notion how serious this is. Stupid cunt.

Stroke territory!

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Behind every great man is an even greater woman. What a team :clap: :clap:


Biden ahead by 22k in Nevada.

Biden hits 1.03 on Betfair.

Trump 28.0

Biden lead just doubled in NV. Might be enough for an official call at this point.
Stand by.

Some lads take Tinternet very serious. :grinning::grinning:


Stand by

What are you trying to say?

He’s saying Trump is goosed

I’m a bit dim apparently


I am declaring the Great State of Nevada for Sleepy Joe O Biden and the Democratic Party

What did sloppy Steve bannon say to get banned off twitter?

Something about beheading Fauaci