US Presidential Election 2020

I say heā€™ll be able to find it within himself to pardon himself.

Oh so his second term was going to be his good oneā€¦right

you havenā€™t a clue

Wasnā€™t President Trumpā€™s mother from the Isle of Skye? Or one of the Hebrides islands.

I heard that his father was a nazi

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The good kind or the bad kind?

KKK man anyway

You might be getting confused with Old Joe Kennedy.

Youā€™ll have to change your name to @Sour

Announcement from the Peach State.

Recount in Georgia

The Trumps were actually called Frumps but changed it as Frump sounds stupid. True story.

Are you happy that the democrats have cheated? Does the will of the people mean anything to you?

Iā€™m prepared to believe that thereā€™s such a thing as fradulent voting, however itā€™s highly unlikely that the purpose of fraudulent voting is to influence the outcome of an election. Nevertheless Iā€™m a contrarian at heart so Iā€™m going to keep an open mind.

Throw up some evidence there like a good man.

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So if I understood that right there will be a recount in Georgia but they have to wait 5 days from when they finish the current count before they can begin the recount. Fuck sake

Whenā€™s the last time a recount was successful? @Tierneevin1979

The dogma lives loud in you you satanic bastard.

There should be a recount in GA, itā€™s so close itā€™s almost a statistical tie, so itā€™s the right thing to do.

Trump is entitled to a recount in WI because it is within the 1% margin, but in reality itā€™s unlikely to change the 20k lead Biden has. There was a recount in WI in 2016 when Trump was leading by the same margin that Biden is now and it only changed the result 300 votes.

If Biden wins PA by more than ~35k votes, then itā€™s outside the recount margin and he wonā€™t get one. But if itā€™s inside that, then heā€™s entitled to pay the $1m recount fee, though heā€™d more than likely be wasting his money like in WI.

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