US Presidential Election 2020

Politicians are no heroes of mine, mate. Iā€™m simply pointing out the hypocrisy of fawning over Biden as if heā€™s the second coming.

Flesh that out there. Itā€™s only taken him 48 years to get this far

Trump wouldnā€™t get 10 per cent in Ireland ffs

I have to hand it to you Laz, but that made me laugh.

Iā€™m not fawning over anybody Iā€™m just delighted to see the back of that orange faced rapist Trump.


You obviously have taken the Oughterard case to heart, mate (unless youā€™re virtue signalling). Iā€™ll support you in your campaign to get a DP centre next door to you in Cashel.

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OK mate, weā€™ll leave it at that then. For what itā€™s worth, I fully agree with your well-made point from a few days back

Iā€™m glad youā€™ve seen sense us wheshtys need to stick together.

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There is at least a dozen of them on here.

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Put a guarantee on it along with Nevada and Virginia.

Donā€™t worry, weā€™ll always stick together. Weā€™ll still fight like weasels amongst ourselves also.

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Atlanta, Detroit and Philly stood up and were counted.

Black Lives Matter cc @Lazarus.


Harris in from 1000/1 to 480/1 to be next President.

We were just talking about this up above. I reckon if he put on a nice Donegal accent heā€™d get 20 to 25%. What about our 10% corporation tax? What about the anti-abortion people? How many Irish people would support abortion at 24 weeks? Trump would make the entire election about corporation tax, 24 week abortion and travellers.

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and build a wall on the border

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That would be very popular in Monaghan

Pronounced Keltic

So after several posters previously argued thatā€™s thereā€™s no such thing as Irish ethnicity, everyone celebrates a man whoā€™s family left here 170 years ago but is still easily recognisable as Irish. A win for common sense :clap: