US Presidential Election 2020

Oh my goodness! Did Trump say that? The rotten bastard.

How do you feel about the numerous videos of Biden perving on young children? If you were in Senator Coons shoes, how would you have reacted? I’d say your thick Leitrim head would have exploded, and justifiably so.

The seethe in you is strong. How many rape cases has your hero coming up next year now that he’s out of office?

Politicians are no heroes of mine, mate. I’m simply pointing out the hypocrisy of fawning over Biden as if he’s the second coming.

Flesh that out there. It’s only taken him 48 years to get this far

Trump wouldn’t get 10 per cent in Ireland ffs

I have to hand it to you Laz, but that made me laugh.

I’m not fawning over anybody I’m just delighted to see the back of that orange faced rapist Trump.


You obviously have taken the Oughterard case to heart, mate (unless you’re virtue signalling). I’ll support you in your campaign to get a DP centre next door to you in Cashel.

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OK mate, we’ll leave it at that then. For what it’s worth, I fully agree with your well-made point from a few days back

I’m glad you’ve seen sense us wheshtys need to stick together.

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There is at least a dozen of them on here.

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Put a guarantee on it along with Nevada and Virginia.

Don’t worry, we’ll always stick together. We’ll still fight like weasels amongst ourselves also.

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Atlanta, Detroit and Philly stood up and were counted.

Black Lives Matter cc @Lazarus.


Harris in from 1000/1 to 480/1 to be next President.

We were just talking about this up above. I reckon if he put on a nice Donegal accent he’d get 20 to 25%. What about our 10% corporation tax? What about the anti-abortion people? How many Irish people would support abortion at 24 weeks? Trump would make the entire election about corporation tax, 24 week abortion and travellers.

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and build a wall on the border

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That would be very popular in Monaghan