US Presidential Election 2020

All the money is for Joe now.

4/5 and moving towards 8/11

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Trump has a chance in Nevada?

If he won Nevada and PA and GA, then he could lose both Michigan and WI

From a cursory glance it seems many of the forums dullards bet their bollox on an even money shot at half the price and are shitting their pants. Fascinating to watch.


Betting is an awful mugs game.

I’ll have to clean out my gallery after this.



This S.E. Cupp one has the look of a sultry headmistress

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Jobi favourite across the board now

Sleep Joe 9000 ahead in Nevada with 85% counted.

Looks red rover but maybe a lot of fat ladies to sing yet ???

BBC mixing up Therasa May with Margaret Thatcher here

What way did the popular vote end up out of interest?

Highly technical issues.

@TreatyStones wouldn’t allow this to happen.

It ended up wholly irrelevant as usual! :smile:

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Biden winning it. Up 3.5% from Hilary’s share last time out, Trump up 0.5% from what i recall seeing - third party vote down considerably.

Royston Brady after making an appearance on the Clare Byrne show. A real blast from the past or a cunt from the past even.


Come on Irish Joe. Do it for the wee county

50.1% to 48.3% with 86% counted according to the ticker on BBC

Game on lads Kanye West has conceded. His surplus will decide it.

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