US Presidential Election 2020

Michigan has gone blue

Fox News have called Arizona for Biden



NYT giving Joe a 65% chance of taking GA.
Could be landslide for Joe yet in the end if he adds PA.

We all have a licence to go fucking bananas and wreck the kip.

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I’ll have a blue Christmas without you
I’ll be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree
Won’t be the same Don, if you’re not here with me

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Fuck Mayo


Trump was matched at 1.01 in Georgia :poop:


Oh the Blue and Red of America,
I can see it still,
It’s racist rural hicks and it’s snowflake city slicks.
Where one candidate is a creep, and the other is asleep
Oh the feeling it came over me, that they were great no more, great no more


You do realise that Creepy Joe and Sleepy Joe are the same candidate, right?

Imagine how much of a landslide this would have been if Trump hadn’t gotten rid of all those mailboxes

Vincent doesn’t understand statistics.

The average life expectancy when you are zero is 78.54. The average life expectancy when you are already 78 is 87.
The average life expectancy for a rich Murican with access to the Worlds best healthcare, is no doubt a few years longer again


The sooner we resume bombing the better

Looks like Biden has found a few more of his own.


The sooner we resume bombing the better.
4 years off was too much for some.

A 78 year old man dying in next 10 weeks is not 1000/1 chance so worth a few euro

Only votes on election day should be counted . This business of voting a month before hand is bollix. Lots happened in the last month , hunter Biden story , trump was clawing back ground. Throw those mail votes in the bin

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Some lads beginning to crack here