US Presidential Election 2020

CNN have been exceptionally professional throughout this.

Id say he will have some go tonight

Boyle sports go 7/2 on Trump winning Nevada

I just got 5/1 on betfair exchange, thanks

Betfair going 4/1

Its his only hope, it’s 1.13 to go blue though

This is a huge moral victory for joe biden

Edit - Wrong

Trump might squeak home in Georgia by 10,000 or so. North Carolina is a bit more clear cut from him. Michigan is done and Pennsylvania looks like turning blue too.

The Democrats are fucking around with votes .

How so mate?

Trump will be seething to hear the USPS has fucked up some of the votes in the battleground states. Heads will roll you feel.

When will pennsylvania be decided

Hope it isn’t going to be two days

Fox have called Arizona for blue but its still in play and Trump is trading at 3.5 whereas he’s a whopping 5.1 in Nevada where they seem to have their hopes pinned

Theres still over a million to be counted there.

A million biden votes coming in hot from the printer .


Well about 800k actually

3 of the last 5 trump tweets have been tagged by twitter
He gon’ be mad

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Arizona Trump’s last chance?