US Presidential Election 2020

When they get Bidens votes ahead of Trumps

In fairness its 0.6% of a difference. They’d be stupid not to ask for one

It will be fairly embarrassing for Fox if Trump does manage to turn it around in Arizona

He’s gaining

Thinly veiled we need more mail ballots for creepy Joe to come in tonight.

Same odds now as Penn. Of course if the markets are correct on Penn then whatever happens in Arizona or Nevada is all rather moot

Lad on CNN says Clitter, stops and apologises and then says Twitter :grinning:

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Yeah it’s quite strongly against Trump now. He probably just has too much to do. Trump has to:-

  1. Win the Wisconsin recount;
  2. Turn around the momentum in Michigan and win that state;
  3. Win Pennsylvania; and
  4. Come from behind and win in Arizona.

He basically needs to do all of those things. Nevada would be a plus for him but might be academic.

Sleepy Joe out to 1.41 from 1.2 on the machine, over half a billion matched. The drift the result of a surge in support for Penn to go red

I’m just after having an in-depth look at Pennsylvania there. I’m fairly sure that Biden does not have enough votes coming in and that Trump will be able to hang on. CNN are focusing on large numbers of uncounted postal votes in Philadelphia but there are lot of rural counties that are massively pro-Trump that still have plenty of votes to be counted. So Biden has to hope that he can win the rural postal vote, which seems to me unlikely.

My analysis:

  • Pennsylvania will go Trump;
  • Georgia will go Trump by about 30,000 or 40,000;
  • Michigan will go Biden;
  • Arizona will go Biden. It’s actually fairly secure;
  • Nevada, which no-one is paying attention to, will be the closest state and decide the election. There is 16% left still to be counted in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas. Biden is currently on 52.9% there. He absolutely must win in the remaining votes in Clark County. That’s what the election comes down to now.
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Fox are just about to get into PA now if you have it.

Nevada is the only state that can go either way and will decide the election. Biden is winning but the Las Vegas votes have to be counted and they will favour Trump. Ironically covid could cost Biden the election in Las Vegas as Trump said he would reopen the city if he won there.

Michigan had early voting 45 days before the election . What a farce .

When I was over in Boston, my brother went into footlocker and asked the assistant had they any ‘clits’. He obviously meant ‘cleats’. We had a good laugh.

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If Trump wins Vegas he wins the election I think. Pile on.