US Presidential Election 2020

Summary from The Guardian

Election Day was Tuesday. It’s Thursday and we still don’t know who the next president of the United States is going to be. Here’s how the key states are looking now…

Arizona: 11 electoral votes
Called for Biden by AP and Fox News, but seems still in play.
Biden leads 50.5-48.1, with 86% counted.
Trump needs to win nearly two-thirds of the remaining votes.
Next update: Expected Thursday night local time (that’s late in the UK).

Georgia: 16 electoral votes
Trump leads 49.6–49.1, with 95% counted
Biden needs to win 60% of remaining votes, many coming from Democrat areas.
Next update: Secretary of state says they hope to have results today

Nevada: 6 electoral votes
Toss-up but leans Biden
Biden leads 49.3-48.7, with 86% counted
The lead is fewer than 8,000 but remaining mail-in expected to skew Democrat.
Result expected noon ET/5pm UK

North Carolina: 15 electoral votes
Toss-up but leans Trump
Trump leads 50.1-48.7, with 95% counted
Biden needs two-thirds of mail-in ballots to go his way
Mail ballots still accepted if they arrive by 12 November, so could be a long wait for certainty.

Pennsylvania: 20 electoral votes
Trump leads 50.7-48.1. 89% of vote in
Most votes yet to be counted are in strong Democratic urban areas
Result expected Friday, but already subject to Trump legal challenges over mail-in ballots being counted which are postmarked on election day or before, but arrive after 3 November. Trump wants them tossed out.

Michigan: 16 electoral votes
Called for Biden. The Trump campaign is suing to halt counting of mail-in ballots

Wisconsin: 10 electoral votes
Called for Biden
Biden’s lead is 49.4-48.8.
If the winning margin is less than 1%, then Trump is entitled to a recount, which the campaign say they will demand.


How’s he supposed to do that if he’s not even a member himself?

Would they have tallymen at US election counts?

Preach sister.


According to the bookies Biden is going to win arizona nevada michigan wisconsin Georgia and pennsylvania. That would be a fairly decent return if it happens.

Funny thing about the order the votes were counted is if the mail in ones were counted first the narrative would be all about a blue wave winning all those states now its how good trump did as he was in the lead early. Even though the final vote tallies will end up the same either way.

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How many riots would there be now if the Dems were winning in swing states and the GOP told us they’ve just found a few mail in bundles overnight and they were all for Trump?

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But sure it was well flagged that Democrats were more likely to vote by mail. So I suppose the other way round happening would have been surprising

Can we get multiple choice?

Or phone a friend?

It was an ingenious plot by the Dems in fairness to have hundreds of thousands of ballots put aside in bundles in case they needed them.


Robert Mugabe would have been proud.

The GOP will have to up its game in the next election.

You could make a great dance remix of that

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This looks somewhat similar to the 1981 General Election finale in Carlow/Kilkenny.
The final count was in and the Returning Officer about to declare the final seat to Jim Gibbons when a vigilant tallyman declared a box of votes not counted/missing/hidden or whatever.
A search was mounted, the box was located (unopened) counted and Tom Nolan defeated Gibbons by about 20 votes. For a man as devoted to God as he was portrayed, I’d say Gibbons lit the place with profanities in the aftermath.


That’s the funniest part of it it I’d say there’s no surer thing there was dodgy shit going on but it just means trump needs to up his game

Trump wasn’t corrupt enough to win the election.

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Remember that well. Tom was a second cousin.

Lacked the bit of cuteness.