US Presidential Election 2020

I think you’ve made a few assumptions there, but that’s not the point I was making. The ‘trump racist/biden anti racist’ doesn’t stand up to any real scrutiny, bit I suppose it wasn’t meant to…given the target audience etc

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This apparent realisation that “Latin Americans” are not homogenous is unreal. A dearly departed poster who shall not be named fit into this bracket, just screaming racist and that Trump voters were racist in 2016, despite the figures there showing that he appealed more to minorities than previous Republican campaigns.

Headcount politics, much like identity politics, needs to go into the bin. That’s the real lesson of Trump and I hoped it would have been heeded after 2016 but was doubled down on with Trump gleefully playing the village idiot.


Since the LBJ landslide in 1964, Democrats have in the 14 Presidential elections largely opted for candidates from safe strongholds on the East Coast and mid west. Likes of John Kerry and Michael Dukakis (Massachussets), Hubert Humphrey and Walter Mondale (Minnesota), Hilary Clinton (Illinois native, New York resident), Al Gore (a creature of bureaucratic DC) all lost and between them picked up very states outside of the coasts and the usual suspects in the mid west. At least Sleepy Joe from Delaware is going to buck the trend stretching back to Kennedy of candidates from the East Coast losing.

Of the other three Democrats who have won since 1964 and made inroads in the south, two were southerners - Jimmy Carter (Georgia) and Bill Clinton (Arkansas) and then the unique brand of appeal of Barack Obama. If the Democrats stopped selecting east coast candidates, they might have a better chance of making gains in the south and elsewhere like Carter and Clinton did. Sleepy Joe will fall over the line here, but has really made heavy work of what was a tap in, to an open goal.

Unless he can win all of the remaining states, including North Carolina and Georgia, Sleepy Joe will be the first presidential winner since Carter in 1976 not to win a majority of the 50 states. With each of the 50 states providing 2 senators each, that is a factor in why the Democrats have failed to regain control of the Senate.


I think a better way of putting is trump is divisive rather than racist. He openly tries to divide people and accentuate enemies within and without.

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I was reading a view that the Cuban vote in Florida is because of a campaign that taps into their fear of communism and Harris being painted as very left leaning. Sounds bizarre but nowadays anything seems plausible.

That doesn’t sound bizarre at all I’d presume that’s exactly what it is? I’d say nobody hates communism more than the florida Cubans

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It’s worse than that. Even if he’s not personally racist, which seems almost impossible, he has clearly and deliberately supported overt racists more than any other president in the recent past. He isn’t just polarising, he’s actively supporting extremists. And amid all the noise about the Democrats underperforming, it was this tolerance and support for extremism which seems to have been his undoing. And that’s a great thing.


Saw a good interview last night on ITV and that is exactly the case, the cubans in Florida hate commies like Biden

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Trump is still fighting here … it aint over yet.

You’re right, he’s obviously divisive…deliberately so when it suits him. It’s from the same playbook as describing Republicans as racists, deplorable, fascists etc.

You should watch this…it’s simplistic etc but it’s probably a good place for you to make a start. Perhaps it’s different when harris accuses biden of being racist and having supported extremists (though they weren’t really considered extremists when he was supporting them)

I doubt you’ll get Biden saying any of those things during his term as president in the same way trump said the controversial things he said. Which will make a huge difference surely.

Possibly, but we were talking about the election

I’ve given up following it lads. When are they going to call it?

It’ll have to be done by Jan 20th

I’d say this is the end of racism in America now.

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I think that would be a very hasty call to make. Probably best wait a bit and see what develops.

Ah no the boogeyman is gone now. All his fans are racists too so they’ll have no one to support now.

The Dems will lockdown and tax their way into prosperity.

I dont believe racism can be solved that easily. Its much more complex than you’re making out.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

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