US Presidential Election 2020

Trump could sue to change maths

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Threw that together quickly, errors likely.

2.8 now.

Iā€™ll have a punt at that price

Youā€™d have to be a right simpleton to think that some level of organised or individual electoral fraud isnā€™t possible. ā€¦from either side.


He did. They split the two college votes.

Yep and also think how it looks to some of the Trump supporters who mightnā€™t be the smartest. Their guy was going to win until the Democrats snuck in a load of mail in ballots which they used to overtake him.

Sure didnā€™t JFK get elected that way.

You couldnā€™t trust those Carlow ladsā€¦

The Republicans are openly trying to stop votes being counted sure. They collapsed the postal system deliberately and they have spent decades disenfranchising minority voters. Thereā€™s no need to be trying to sneak a few votes in when you can do it on a systematic scale

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That is actual fascism.

Youā€™re going to lose your house. Just deal with it.

Iā€™m going to buy a second one off some bankrupt Trump backer at a knockdown price

About 90k left to count in GA.

Trumps maybe?

Thereā€™s no sign of @Fitzy of late but he may not have been involved.
A bit of research indicates this oversight became known as ā€œThe Rahanna Boxā€

The Don could do with finding a few of them before nightfall.

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Do you want a man not willing to pull out all the stops to lead the free world?

Itā€™s been going on for donkeys years

65% seems to be the magic number. Biden needs to win about 65% of remaining votes in GA and PA to take the lead. Likewise Trump needs to win about the same percentage of remaining votes in AZ and NV. Biden camp maybe a little bit more confident going on recent tallies of where votes are coming from.
But still anyoneā€™s game really.