US Presidential Election 2020

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Didnā€™t George w get votes thrown out on the basis that the voter had lived with or in a house previously occupied by someone with a criminal record?

YO @Lazarus

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If the count stopped in all states right now Biden wins with 270.

Heā€™ll leave one on the desk in the oval house.

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Btw, is there any truth to the rumor that Obama left a copy of his birth certificate in one of the drawers of the desk in the Oval Office?

Wake up its a beautiful morning

The right are disemboweling each other

the left are disenfranchising them

Wow. Iā€™d never seen that before. America is a great country. The hard right are more fucked than I thought

Looks like the civil war that many expected will be an internal one amongst the various right wing sects and discombulated redneck factions. My moneys on the proud boys

Theyā€™re now saying there are 61,000 still to count.

The van from Delaware must have showed up late with the boxes.


Biden will win PA by about 100k votes I am informed.

Is trump likely to finish on 214 electoral colleges or what is the most likely number for him now?

Very strange results here :grinning:

Last 7 batches of GA votes:

23k at 80% Biden
10k at 77% Biden
26k at 66% Biden
14k at 93% Biden
63k at 67% Biden
21k at 72% Biden
19k at 87% Biden

In fairness to Trump heā€™s only losing because most people voted against him

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