US Presidential Election 2020

He needs a bump, very low energy. His handlers are fucking up his dosages.

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In any other instance you’d lock a person like him up.

Tremendous litigation

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Civil War in America?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

“So far away, people need binoculars to see in”


It was apparant the fight had gone out of Don in the 2nd debate but I didn’t realize he was this messed up

Observers using binoculars in Philly they are so far away

Somewhat violent

Ah ffs

A tour de France from President Trump


Violent… He’s a nasty bastard.

Ya he seems drug addled alright

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My source in the White House tells me he’s off his meds

This is clearly a mentally unwell man

Banter and WUMMERY has peaked tonight folks . All down hill now boys . Off to your beds .

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Yeah someone on the inside has to stop him

Wow, you Clare fellas are really doubling down on your golf course

First question:

“Mr. President, do you need to go and lie down?”


“I went to school there, so I know” :joy:

Up john 90’s are part of everyday life now over there.