US Presidential Election 2020

One of his handlers needs to walk on put his arm around his shoulder and say “it’s ok Don, it’s ok. It’s time for bed”

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His hair is doing a lot more work than usual, this race has taken its toll.

The men in grey suits in the GOP need to invoke the 25th it’s the only hope for the USA at this stage. He’s rambling incoherently and enough is enough.

This is actually insane

He’s basically saying if you only count votes for him he wins easily.

It’s expected because it’s him but this is proper fascism.

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2 Possible Outcomes here

  1. The illegal ballots are thrown out and President Trump is re-elected
  2. Re-do the vote in PA, WI, MI, GA, NV, AZ with strict rules around mail in ballots

Yeah this is the beginning of the end for America because a lot of his supporters are going along with him on this

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Yes it is.

Is there no one in the republican party with a shred of common sense?

Looks like all that Regeneron has really taken its toll

Republicans must be horrified watching this … Does he actually believe what he’s saying?

Limerick poisoned him

Comical Ali has nothing on Trump

This was always on the cards but now we’re approaching worst case scenario. He has to be allowed exhaust legal methods, he’s entitled to that, but after that Chomsky was right when he said that the army will have to step in.

Yes he does, all part of the distraction.

Its a puppet show mate.

With very real consequences tho.

CNN: What a sad night :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Jake Tapper knows they have been caught out

Trump knows he’s beat, but he’s going through the motions

Do you honestly think they give a fuck about that?

Both of them are desperate cunts.