US Presidential Election 2020

Very underwhelming half hearted defense of Trump from golden boy Tucker tonight I see. The word is he has his eyes on the prize himself, Game of Thrones far right style here

@Lazarus Iā€™ve a new prediction for Georgia - I think Biden will pull ahead but Trump might then stage a comeback and nick it on the votes from the military and the ā€œprovisional ballotsā€.

I also think Trump is going to take Arizona so really Biden needs Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania looks quite good.

@Tierneevin1979 if Biden wins Georgia and loses everything else it ends of a 269-each tie in the electoral college. What happens then? I know vaguely then it goes to the House where there are more Democrats than Republicans but no real majority (somehow). It all seems very muddy.

Donā€™t worry. Order has been restored.

Sometimes itā€™s good to have the barbarians at the gates, or inside the gatesā€¦or the uneducated, as you called them.

President O Biden has Georgia in the bag bro. I declared it already and I have a 100% record

If itā€™s 269-269 it goes to the House, but each state selects only one voter. So Cali for example which ahs 53 representatives would only have one vote. Trump would win in that scenario unless Republicans voted against him.

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ā€œI shouldā€™ve got thatā€.
He ripped her open there.

Doesnā€™t go to this house though, goes to the new house in January.

Tucker wouldnt be one for the Fox Hole the way heā€™s turning on former President Trump here

Tuckers a cunt.

Agreed but a lot of lads on here believe heā€™s a veritable modern day John Locke

True but itā€™s 26-23 (PA split) to Republicans right now and thatā€™s unlikely to change in January.

TBF heā€™s not as bad as Hannity but thatā€™s not saying much.Or Laura Ingram.

It just depends how the house finishes up .

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The commies have the House in the bag

For the purposes of this conversation itā€™s not the number of representatives of each party, itā€™s how many from each party in each state. I havenā€™t looked in detail but itā€™s unlikely to change in favor of Democrats.

Biden is creaming Trump in PA atm.CNN are updating the board live.

I have looked in detail, your boys are bollixed and they know it

Leave the discussion to the adults mate.

You just keep fighting the good fight
