US Presidential Election 2020

Hereā€™s the communist pub owner correspondent!!!

Instead it was the CNN folks who had the meltdown!

Sheer bedlam. Would have been class.

The Albania vs America sentence there is key to our future really.

Once we keep our veto on corporation tax in the EU weā€™ll be alright on that - thats a fight vs the EU though obviously rather than anyone in the US at all, Biden, Trump or otherwise.

He has lost most right minded people after that. Iā€™m not talking about democracy or who leads the country here or where the real power lies, thatā€™s all half conspiracy theory and handy talk. Iā€™m on about the very real division and incitement that your man is causingā€¦ All but telling people to rise up because of his own childish ego. Fox, republicans and most decent people have walked away from him after that youā€™d imagine, he has humiliated them in front of the whole worldā€¦ but heā€™ll still have a lunatic following capable of anything.

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Heā€™s entitled to exhaust all legal avenues but he wasnā€™t measured.

Not a communist. Trump did some good things but was inherintly a racist scumbag which is a very bad thing. Time to accept defeat and move on

If theyā€™re anything like his cheerleaders on TFK I wouldnā€™t be too worried

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Fox turning their back on Trump is massive. Its clear they were using him all along to whip up the tin foil hat merchants. They fooled quite a few TFKers in fairness.

The other way of looking at it is that when trump won CNN et al spent four years alleging Russian interference, but now are bemoaning he wonā€™t accept the result?


The main piece of work Biden will do is get the US back into the 2030 Paris agreement this year.

I could make a reasonable enough case for calling trump a racist. I havenā€™t seen anyone here doing so, yourself included. Thereā€™s an equally strong case for saying the same about biden, sure didnā€™t yet wan harris say so herself
At best itā€™s cnn with illusory edge.
Besides biden isnā€™t even an American citizen, he grew up in a village in south wales.

I think once you get over the Denial stage youā€™ll be ok

I think youā€™re quite comfy being a bit thick

The markets are starting to wobble @Lazarus

Iā€™m sorry buddy, Iā€™m sure youā€™re not thick- just a bit lazy and a bit of a hypocrite

Hillary nailed it years ago :clap: :clap:

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Too bad she couldnā€™t take one plane ride to Wisconsin and a few more to Michigan and she would have been president. The small margins.


What an absolute unbelievable cunt Hillary Clinton is. This is all her fucking fault

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