US Presidential Election 2020

I still think Joe will scrape by in NV and AZ too.

I was very worried about NV but it looks like Biden’s lead is increasing now.
Also it went Democrat last time.

Trump ahead by 2400 votes only in GA now

Heres how it is

Trump -
North Carolina

Biden -

Arizona is the only one Trump has any hope but most have called it for the Democrats, FOX the most vociferously, which is telling enough in itself.

In other words, its a landslide for the Democrats. No one saw such a huge victory coming

Trump losing Georgia is possibly the most embarrassing election result in history

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Georgia makes it a bit of a landslide, no-one saw that coming.

It could be a rout.

My state of the art equipment is struggling with the eloctral college figures, they’re so huge

Sean Hannity on FoxNews right now is fairly frightening. I have to switch him off but sooner or later America is heading for civil war.

He has a face youd love to smash with a navvy shovel.

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The biggest embarrassment to Ireland I can think of.

I have it 306-232 to O Biden Final score.
Omg what a rout

He’s not catching him by enough though. Trump needed to be winning by more than an18pt spread, at least 59-41% to catch Biden. The last dump of 75k votes was 57-43%.

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What part of Ireland is he from?


Interesting that for all their shouting, neither Tucker or Hannity adressed their own Networks call on Arizona

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Laura Ingraham with all the conviction of a 49ers QB here


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Trump ahead by 1797 in Georgia

Latest word is Mitch McConnel is in high level talks with Lachlan Murdoch and some Democrats as to how to best configure a way out of this given Trumps intransigcense. This is off the back of inroads made from the White House itself by all accounts